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forall Means All!

Posted on October 6, 2013
Tags: haskell, types

It seems like the every week on Stack Overflow there’s at least two questions about higher rank polymorphism (RankNTypes). So here’s a brief description of what they are and how to use them.

First, to turn them on

    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

Now to write one

     demo :: (forall a. a -> Int) -> Int
     demo f = f 'a' + f True

Now that forall means “this function is polymorphic and can be applied to any argument”. Notice we can’t do this without rank N types,

    uhoh :: (a -> Int) -> Int
    uhoh f = f 'a' + f True -- Error cannot unify 'a' with Char

Here’s how not to use it

    demo id

id here unifies with Int -> Int which isn’t the necessary forall a. a -> Int. To use it,

    demo (const 1)

Now this seems pretty clear right? It’s just to make it possible to pass polymorphic functions to other functions. Easy peasy :)

Now what does this mean?

    data Tricky = Tricky (forall x. x -> x)

Well you’d be right if you realized that the only sane instantiation of this is

    t = Tricky id

We need a function

    arg :: a -> a

It’s pretty clear that the only sane version of arg is id.

A harder one,

    type ReallyTricky a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

That’s right it just means that anything of type ReallyTricky knows how to take some arbitrary function, and lift it into any functor. And the caller gets to choose which one.

    t :: ReallyTricky
    t = fmap

That’s it! Just remember that forall is universal quantification. This means that you have to be able to support all possible instationations of that variable and the caller will choose which one.

Now suppose you want it the other way, you choose the instantiation and the caller has to handle it generically. Then you want existential quantification. A subject for another post.

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