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Fixpoints and Iso-recursive Types

Posted on November 9, 2013
Tags: haskell, types

Let’s imagine a world where Haskell didn’t have recursive functions. The Haskell committee simply left them out by mistake. Could Haskell still be Turing complete?

Well we need some method of arbitrary recursion, let’s try what we’d do in lambda calculus: fixpoints. In particular, we want a function like this

    fix :: (a -> a) -> a

What are fixpoints?

So we pass in a function f, and it will return to us a value a so that f a = a. Why is this useful? Imagine we encode recursive functions like this

    factorial :: (Int -> Int)
              -> Int
              -> Int
    factorial self 0 = 1
    factorial self n = n * self (n-1)

So we pass along recursion through this extra function. Well here factorial is really a function of type

    factorial :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)

And we want to fill it like this

    completeFactorial n = factorial (factorial (factorial (factorial ...))) n

Now when we take the fixpoint, we find an a where factorial a = a. This means that

factorial a = factorial (factorial a) = factorial (factorial (factorial ...)))

So with fixpoints, we get that infinitely long chain that we wanted.

Fixpoints with recursion

If we allowed ourselves recursion for a moment then fix is easy

fix f = let x = f x in x

This looks silly, but in fact, if f isn’t strict in x, than x can be non-bottom. And if f is strict than by definition, f ⊥ = ⊥ so is a fixpoint.

Fixpoints without recursion

Now we can actually still write a fixpoint-finding function without recursion. The most famous one is the y-combinator. In lambda calculus, we’d write this as

Y = λf . (λx . f (x x)) (λx . f (x x))

And we want to show that Y f = f (Y f)

Y f = f (Y f)
(λx . f (x x)) (λx . f (x x)) = f ((λx . f (x x)) (λx . f (x x)))
f((λx . f (x x)) (λx . f (x x))) = f ((λx . f (x x)) (λx . f (x x)))

With simple beta reduction, they’re equal.

Fixpoints in Haskell

Now in Haskell, this doesn’t work. We could try

    fix f = (\x -> f (x x)) (\x -> f (x x))

But what is x’s type? Well it’s a function so

x :: a -> b

And x’s first argument is x, so

    type T = T -> b
    type T = μR. R -> b -- This means the same as the above
    x :: T

But this isn’t legal! We can’t have infinite types like that. Don’t despair though, we’re going to use the magic of iso-recursive types.

What are iso-recursive types? Well they’re like (equi-)recursive types, but they provide two operations, fold and unfold.

    unfold :: μX. T ->X. T/X]T
    fold   ::X. T/T]T -> μX. T

Where [foo/bar]baz means, "substitute all occurrences of bar with foo in baz. When trying to unify iso-recursive types, we don’t consider a type equal to an unfolding of that type. This makes type inference considerably easier since we’re requiring the user to explicitly fold and unfold types.

We can write these in Haskell

    newtype Mu f = Mu {unMu :: f (Mu f)}
    unfold = unMu
    fold   = Mu

Now we can write the type of x

    newtype X' b a = {unX :: a -> b}
    type X a = Mu (X' a)

Take a moment to think about this, mentally unfolding we have

X a
Mu (X' a)
Mu X' -> a
(Mu X' -> a) -> a

There we go! Now for that y combinator

    unfold' = unX  . unfold
    fold'   = fold . X'
    y f = (\x -> f (unfold' x x)) $ fold' (\x -> f (unfold' x x))

and finally

    fix = y

And to test it

    f = fix factorial -- From the way before
    main = mapM_ (print . f) [1..5]



Which means we’re successful, we’ve added back recursion to Haskell!

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