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Faking Existentials with Rank N Types

Posted on January 14, 2014
Tags: haskell, types

GHC has a language extension call ExistentialQuantification. This lets users write “existential” types. There are lots of good explanations of what an existential type is, but to briefly summarize: an existential type allows the callee to choose the type versus the caller.

As an example, if we have

    {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
    data NotExist a = NotExist a
    data Exists = forall a. Show a => Exists a

    normal :: Show a => NotExist a
    normal = NotExist undefined

    exists :: Exists
    exists = Exists "The callee chose this"

With normal the caller gets to choose what a is and so we have to use undefined, otherwise we’d have to construct an arbitrary Show a => a.

With exists, the callee get’s to choose what is boxed up in Exists, the caller can’t control anything about it.

Now, in logic existentials correspond to propositions like ∃ x∈ℕ. x > 0 ∧ x < 2 or in English, “There exists an x such that x > 0 and x < 2”. Normal haskell types like NotExists correspond more to propositions like ∀ x∈ℕ. x < x + 1.

Interestingly, we can actually define in terms of .

∃ x∈A. P(x) = ∀ Q. (∀ c∈A. P(c) → Q) → Q

In English, the proposition that “There exists an x in A so that P(x)” is equivalent to “For all propositions Q, if for all c, P(c) implies Q, then Q.”

This can be translated to Haskell!

We’ll need to enable rank n types since our definition for uses nested s. Additionally, we’ll use constraint kinds and impredicative polymorphism since we’ll want to pass around typeclass constraints and store polymorphic values in lists.

    {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ConstraintKinds #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, ImpredicativeTypes #-}
    import GHC.Prim (Constraint)

    type Exists c = forall x. (forall a. c a => a -> x) -> x

Here P(x) becomes the proposition c a => a. Proving this “proposition” is done by providing a value of type a, this is sometimes called “witnessing”.

If this jump has left you baffled, try doing a bit of research on the “Curry Howard Isomorphism” and remembering that the type c a => a is really the same as the pair (Dict, a) where Dict is the record of all the function in the typeclass c.

With this intuition (terrible pun for constructionists) we can write a function to construct a Exists c given an c a => a.

    exists :: c a => a -> Exists c
    exists witness cont = cont witness

Now we can actually write some code using this

    -- This needs impredicative polymorphism
    showables :: [Exists Show]
    showables = [ exists "string"
                , exists 'c'
                , exists ()
                , exists True]

So now we’ve got a list of Exists Shows so let’s figure out how to use it. Let’s write a function that takes a function forall a. c a => a -> b and returns a function Exists c -> b.

    withExists :: (forall a. c a => a -> b) -> Exists c -> b
    withExists cont existential = existential cont

Now we can write

    main = mapM_ (withExists print) showables

Which outputs


Just as expected!

And there you have it, existential types cobbled together from a few other extensions.

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