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Types and Kinds and Sorts, Oh My!

Posted on February 10, 2014
Tags: haskell, types

One subject that most introductory Haskell books fail to address is kinds. This means that when most intermediate Haskellers start looking at Haskell extensions they’re flummoxed by DataKinds.

This post aims to introduce intermediate haskellers to kinds and sorts as well as how they enter into the world of Haskell programming.

Think about an expression in Haskell, if it’s well formed, then we can assign it a type: 1 :: Int, "foo" :: String, and Just () :: Maybe () for example.

Now this has all sorts of lovely benefits like ensuring we can’t write insane expressions like "foo" + 2. However, none of those benefits seem to extend to the types themselves.

We have functions at the type level, consider

    data Cons a b = Pair a b

Cons looks like the type level equivalent of Pair. But how do we ensure that these actually work? What if we wrote

    foo :: Cons Maybe Either
    foo = ???

This makes no sense however, there is no value whose type is Maybe.

This hints that we want something corresponding to a type system at the type level. Something to ensure that all the types we write make some sort of sense. For example, let’s call the “type” of types things values occupy, *. So Int :: *, as well as String, [a], and many others. Now it seems that Cons takes in two types, a :: * and b :: *, and returns another type, Cons a b :: *. This is notated * -> * -> *.

Now let’s rattle off some other examples

    Maybe  :: * -> *      -- Maybe takes a type and returns another
    Either :: * -> * -> * -- Either takes two types and returns another
    StateT :: (* -> *) -> * -> *

Notice that there’s something interesting about StateT, it takes a function of type onto type. It’s a type level parallel of a higher order function!

This is what kinds are all about, kinds are the type of types! Indeed, Haskell even notates the kind of types that values occupy as * as well. We can read something like Int :: * as Int has the kind *.

StateT is what’s called a higher kinded type, it’s the type level version of higher order functions.

Now the step is to ask, what’s the “type” of a kind? * :: ??? the answer is, a sort. However, Haskell doesn’t talk of sorts and conceptually only has one, BOX. It is occasionally helpful to think as if BOX existed, but we can’t actually state this in Haskell. This means that while the sorts conceptually exist, we can’t really do much of anything with them. Perhaps in the future Haskell will grow a few more extensions to enable talking about sorts, until then though, we’ll focus on kinds.

Now back to kinds, what does Haskell have in terms of a kind system

Data Kinds

The motiviation for DataKinds is that Haskell’s vanilla kind system is well… boring. It doesn’t really help us since we can’t write our own kinds and types to occupy these kinds.

Let’s take a simple example using GADTs and red-black binary trees. For the sake of brevity I’ll leave the reader to take a moment and learn about GADTs if necessary.

    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
    {- No DataKinds -}

    data Black -- This is what EmptyDataDecls allows,
    data Red   -- types with no constructors

    data Tree :: * -> * -> * where
      Leaf  :: Tree a Black
      NodeR :: a -> Tree a Black -> Tree a Black -> Tree a Red
      NodeB :: a -> Tree a c     -> Tree a c'    -> Tree a Black

Here we’re attempting to model the fact that in a red-black binary tree, a red node has black children and a black node has either red or black children.

However this doesn’t model it correctly, we’d like to make it impossible to state nonsense like

    crazy :: Tree a Int
    crazy = undefined

The problem here is that the kind of Tree is * -> * -> *. We don’t really mean that a tree be colored by any type of kind *! We really want to limit it so that we can only color a tree with Red and Black.

Enter DataKinds

    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds, GADTs #-}

    data Color = Red | Black

    data Tree :: * -> Color -> * where
      Leaf  :: Tree a Black
      NodeR :: a -> Tree a Black -> Tree a Black -> Tree a Red
      NodeB :: a -> Tree a c     -> Tree a c'    -> Tree a Black

Now if we attempted

    foo :: Tree a Int
    foo = undefined

We’ll get a kind error! This is a simple example of how we can leverage the kind system to rule out illegal programs.

Let’s attempt to encode a more complex property, that there are exactly the same number of black nodes below every node. To start we’ll need a type level encoding of numbers

data Nat = Z | S Nat

These are called peano numbers, Z is zero and S is equivalent to +1, so 2 is S (S Z). Now we can integrate these into our tree.

    {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds, GADTs #-}
    data Tree :: * -> Color -> Nat -> * where
      Leaf  :: Tree a Black Z
      NodeR :: a -> Tree a Black n -> Tree a Black n -> Tree a Red   n
      NodeB :: a -> Tree a c n     -> Tree a c' n    -> Tree a Black (S n)

Taking a moment to examine this, we see that a Leaf has 0 black nodes below it, which makes perfect sense. Then nodes take two trees of identical height and either adds one to the height if the node is black or leaves it the same.

Now if we attempted to create an unbalanced tree

    unbalanced = NodeB () Leaf (NodeB () Leaf Leaf)

We get a type error!

Hopefully this clears up what kinds are and how we can leverage them to statically check some properties of our programs.

For the curious reader I encourage you to look at PolyKinds and TypeFamilies, these let you express some very sophisticated programs at the type level in Haskell. If this really tickles your fancy, perhaps make the leap to Agda, Idris, or Coq to enjoy full dependent types.

Thanks to GlenH7 and JimmyHoffa on thewhiteboard and byorgey on #haskell for proof reading

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