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Bargain Priced Coroutines

Posted on April 8, 2014
Tags: haskell

The other day I was reading the 19th issue of the Monad.Reader and there was a fascinating post on coroutines.

While reading some of the code I noticed that it, like most things in Haskell, can be reduced to 5 lines with a library that Edward Kmett has written.

Consider the type of a trampoline as described in this article

    newtype Trampoline m a = Tramp {runTramp :: m (Either (Tramp m a) a)}

So a trampoline is a monadic computation of some sort returning either a result, a, or another computation to run to get the rest.

Now this looks strikingly familiar. A computation returning Trampoline m a is really a computation returning a tree of Tramp m a’s terminating in a pure value.

This sounds like a free monad!

    import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
    import Control.Monad.Identity

    type Trampoline = FreeT Identity

Recall that FreeT is defined as

    data FreeF f a b = Pure a | Free (f b)
    data FreeT f m a = FreeT (m (FreeF f a (FreeT f m a)))

This is isomorphic to what we where looking at before. As an added bonus, we’ve saved the tedium of defining our own monad and applicative instance for Trampoline.

We can now implement bounce and pause to define our trampolines. bounce must take a computation and unwrap it by one level, leaving either a value or another computation.

This is just a matter of rejiggering the FreeF into an Either

    bounce :: Functor m => Trampoline m a -> m (Either (Trampoline m a) a)
    bounce = fmap toEither . runFreeT
      where toEither (Pure a) = Right a
            toEither (Free m) = Left $ runIdentity m

pause requires some thought, the trick is to realize that if we wrap a computation in one layer of Free when unwrapped by bounce we’ll get the rest of the computation.


    pause :: Monad m => Trampoline m ()
    pause = FreeT $ return (Free . Identity $ return ())

So that’s 6 lines of code for trampolines. Let’s move on to generators.

A generator doesn’t yield just another computation, it yields a pair of a computation and a freshly generated value. We can account for this by changing that Identity functor.

    type Generator c = FreeT ((,) c)

Again we get free functor, applicative and monad instances. We two functions, yield and runGen. Yield is going to take one value and stick it into the first element of the pair.

    yield :: Monad m => g -> Generator g m ()
    yield g = FreeT . return $ Free (g, return ())

This just sticks a good old boring m () in the second element of the pair.

Now runGen should take a generator and produce a m (Maybe c, Generator c m a). This can be done again by pattern matching on the underlying FreeF.

    runGen :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Generator g m a -> m (Maybe g, Generator g m a)
    runGen = fmap toTuple . runFreeT
      where toTuple (Pure a)         = (Nothing, return a)
            toTuple (Free (g, rest)) = (Just g, rest)

Now, last but not least, let’s build consumers. These wait for a value rather than generating one, so -> looks like the right functor.

    type Consumer c = FreeT ((->) c)

Now we want await and runCon. await to wait for a value and runCon to supply one. These are both fairly mechanical.

    runConsumer :: Monad m => c -> Consumer c m a -> m a
    runConsumer c = (>>= go) . runFreeT
      where go (Pure a) = return a
            go (Free f) = runConsumer c $ f c

    runCon :: (Monad m, Functor m)
        => Maybe c
        -> Consumer c m a
        -> m (Either a (Consumer c m a))
    runCon food c = runFreeT c >>= go
      where go (Pure a) = return . Left $ a
            go (Free f) = do
              result <- runFreeT $ f food
              return $ case result of
                Pure a -> Left                   $ a
                free   -> Right . FreeT . return $ free

runCon is a bit more complex than I’d like. This is to essentially ensure that if we had some code like

    Just a <- await
    lift $ do
    Just b <- await

We want foo, bar, and baz to run with just one await. You’d expect that we’d run as much as possible with each call to runCon. Thus we unwrap not one, but two layers of our FreeT and run them, then rewrap the lower layer. The trick is that we make sure never to duplicate side effects by using good old return.

We can sleep easy that this is sound since return a >>= f is f a by the monad laws. Thus, our call to return can’t do anything detectable or too interesting.

While this is arguably more intuitive, I don’t particularly like it so we can instead write

    runCon :: (Monad m, Functor m)
        => Maybe c
        -> Consumer c m a
        -> m (Either a (Consumer c m a))
    runCon food = fmap go . runFreeT
      where go (Pure a) = Left a
            go (Free f) = Right (f food)

Much simpler, but now our above example wouldn’t run foo and friends until the second call of runCon.

Now we can join generators to consumers in a pretty naive way,

    (>~>) :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Generator c m () -> Consumer c m a -> m a
    gen >~> con = do
      (cMay, rest) <- runGen gen
      case cMay of
        Nothing -> starve con
        Just c  -> runCon c con >>= use rest
      where use _    (Left a)  = return a
            use rest (Right c) = rest >~> c

And now we can use it!

    addGen :: Generator Int IO ()
    addGen = do
      lift $ putStrLn "Yielding 1"
      yield 1
      lift $ putStrLn "Yielding 2"
      yield 2

    addCon :: Consumer Int IO ()
    addCon = do
      lift $ putStrLn "Waiting for a..."
      Just a <- await
      lift $ putStrLn "Waiting for b..."
      Just b <- await
      lift . print $ a + b

    main = addGen >~> addCon

When run this prints

    Yielding 1
    Waiting for a...
    Yielding 2
    Waiting for b...

Now, this all falls out of playing with what functor we give to FreeT. So far, we’ve gotten trampolines out of Identity, generators out of (,) a, and consumers out of (->) a.

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