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Grokking recursion-schemes: Part 2

Posted on June 14, 2014
Tags: haskell

In this post I’d like to talk about the second half of recusion-schemes. Previously we’d talked about catamorphisms and friends. These all focused on “destroying” a datastructure by collapsing it layer by layer.

We’re now going to talk about the opposite: anamorphisms. Anamorphisms are just like generalized versions of unfoldr.

Getting Anamorphisms

To demonstrate how to start anamorphisms, we’ll create our custom list again.

    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
    data MyList a  = MyCons a (MyList a) | MyNil
    data ListB a b = BCons a b           | BNil
                   deriving Functor

Now we create an instance of the type class Unfoldable (shocker I know)

    type instance Base (MyList a) = BList a

    instance Unfoldable (MyList a) where
      embed (BCons a b) = MyCons a b
      embed BNil        = MyNil

That’s it! We define the dual to Foldable’s project, embed. This just defines how to take the datastructure that we’ve built up and stick it back into our list.

Using Anamorphisms

Now, let’s actually start writing some anamorphisms. The simplest example of an unfolding I can think of is between. between takes two boundaries and then creates a list of values between the high and the low, (low, high).

    > enum 1 5
      [2, 3, 4]
    > enum 'a' 'c'
    > enum False False

To make this more fun, we’ll return MyList a instead of just [a] since it’ll make it easier to show off recursion-schemes. I’ll explain how to generate [a]’s momentarily.

Now it’s pretty obvious the type of between should be something like

    between :: (Eq a, Enum a) => a -> a -> MyList a

We could write this with simple, boring recursion

    between a b | a == b    = MyNil
                | otherwise = (succ a) `MyCons` enum (succ a) b

But this is exactly what we were avoiding! Let’s rewrite this to use an anamorphism. The type of ana (our anamorphism implementation) is

    ana :: (a -> Base t a) -> a -> t

This is the almost the exact opposite of cata :: (Base t a -> a) -> t -> a. So instead of tearing the structure down layer by layer, we build it up layer by layer.

    between low high = ana builder low
      where builder a = ???

where builder is takes an a and returns the either BCons (succ a) (succ a) or BNil if a == high. This is trivial to implement

    between low high = ana builder low
      where builder a | a == b    = BNil
                      | otherwise = join BCons (succ a) -- from Control.Monad

That’s it! builder captures the essence of how we build up the list, one cons at a time.

Now, as promised here’s how to actually implement it so it returns [a]’s.

    between low high = ana builder low
      where builder a | a == b    = Nil
                      | otherwise = join Cons (succ a)

recursion-schemes defines the type instance for [a] with two constructor Cons and Nil that behave precisely like BCons and BNil. However, Cons and Nil are defined using some type families magic that makes them invisible in the documentation (I found them by reading the source). They exist I promise :)

Now, I said before this was just a generalized version of unfoldr, let’s look at the type of unfoldr.

    Data.List.unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]

So unfoldr takes our seed value, b, and splits it into either a value and another seed, or nothing. Sound familiar? Look again at Cons, Cons is a value a, and the next seed b! Furthermore Nil is completely ismorphic to Nothing here.

Now ana generalizes upon unfoldr since we don’t need to represent everything as either 1 terminator, Nothing, or one builder, (a, b).

We could imagine something like

    data RedBlack a = Red   a (RedBlack a) (RedBlack a)
                    | Black a (RedBlack a) (RedBlack a)
                    | Leaf

Now ana could handle the fact that we can now “build” new seeds in two ways, with RedB or BlackB!

Building Stuff Up to Tear It Down

One of the most common patterns in Haskell is to create some intermediate data structure and immediately use it.

This is kinda like smashing an anamorphism and a catamorphism together into one. This has a name: a hylomorphism, hylo in recursion-schemes.

It turns out that this is one of the most useful applications of anamorphisms!

As a fun example, Daniel Wagner blogged about how we can generate an infinite list of all rational numbers. The key to this is an infinite binary tree where each node is a rational number p/q and it’s two children are (p + q) / q and p / (p + q).

We can build this binary tree with ana.

    import GHC.Real

    data Bin a    = Node a (Bin a) (Bin a)
    data BBin a b = NodeB a b b deriving Functor

    type instance Base (Bin a) = BBin a

    instance Unfoldable (Bin a) where
      embed (NodeB a l r) = Node a l r
    instance Foldable (Bin a) where

    rats :: Bin Rational
    rats = ana builder (1 % 1)
      where builder r@(p :% q) = NodeB r ((p + q) % q) (p % (p + q))

We can collapse it into a list with cata

    collapse :: Bin a -> [a]
    collapse = cata folder
     where folder (NodeB a l r)         = a : interleave l r
           interleave (x : xs) (y : ys) = x : y : interleave xs ys

The work horse here is interleave which just describes how to safely combine two infinite lists.

Now we can combine the process of building up our binary tree and generating a list into one cool transformation

    allRats :: [Rational]
    allRats = hylo folder builder (1 % 1)
      where folder (NodeB a l r)         = a : interleave l r
            interleave (x : xs) (y : ys) = x : y : interleave xs ys
            builder r@(p :% q)           = NodeB r ((p + q) % q) (p % (p + q))

There you are! As a challenge to the reader, figure out what index a number p/q will appear in this list (it will only occur once).

If you found this math intersting, check out this paper.

A few other people have shown off this pattern, one of my favorites being merge sort as a hylomorphism.

A Recap

We’ve now covered the core elements of the recursion-schemes library, but I’m not quite done with this blog series. I’m planning on one more post detailing my attempt to actually use recursion-schemes in a real project: a scheme compiler.

I think it would make the post more interesting though if the next post didn’t just include an example of “stuff I find cool”, so, if you have any particular example of cleaning up some code using recursion-schemes, please let me know! I’d love to share any and all examples I can find since that’s been the best way I’ve found to actually grok recurion-schemes.

If you’re interested in sharing, either comment or email me at jozefg [at]

Thanks to tel for proof reading

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