Many Shades of Halting Oracles
I’m going to a take a quick break from arguing with people on the internet to talk about a common point of confusion with theorem provers.
People will often state things like “A program in Coq never diverges” or that “we must prove that X halts”. To an outsider, that sounds impossible! After all, isn’t the halting problem undecidable?
Now the thing to realize is that while yes the halting problem is undecidable, we’re not solving it. The halting problem essentially states
For an arbitrary turing machine P. There is no algorithm guaranteed to terminate that will return true if P halts and false if it diverges.
In theorem provers, we cleverly avoid this road block with two simple tricks. I’m going to discuss these in the context of Coq but these ideas generalize between most theorem provers.
Being Negative
A program in Coq must halt. To do otherwise would introduce a logical inconsistency. So to enforce this we need to statically decide whether some program halts.
We just said that this is impossible though! To escape this paradox Coq opts for a simple idea: reject good programs.
Rather than guaranteeing to return true for every good program, we state that we’ll definitely reject all bad programs and then some.
For example, this termination checker would be logically consistent
It’d be useless of course, but consistent. Coq therefore accepts a certain set of programs which are known to terminate. For example, ones that limit themselves only to guarded coinduction or structural induction.
Getting Our Hands Dirty
While it may be impossible to decide the termination of an arbitrary program, it’s certainly possible to prove the termination of a specific program.
When Coq’s heuristics fail, we can always resort to manually proving that our code will terminate. This may not be pleasant, but it’s certainly doable. By lifting the burden of Coq, we go from “constructing arbitrary proof of termination” to “checking arbitrary proof of termination”, which is decidable.
In Coq we can do this will well founded recursion. Simply put, well founded recursion means that we shift from using only term “size” to decide what’s a smaller recursive call to any nice binary relation. If you’re not interested in Coq specifically, you can check out your preferred proof assistants formalization of well founded recursion.
To this end, we define a relation for some type A : Set
, R : A -> A -> Prop
. Read R x y
as x
is smaller than y
Now we must show that this relation preserves some definition of “sanity”. This should mean that if when a function receives x
, for any y
so that R y x
, we should be able to recurse on y. This should also mean that there’s no infinite stack of terms so that R x y
, R z x
, R w z
…. because this would mean we could recurse infinitely. To capture this idea, we must prove well_founded A R
. What’s this “well founded” thing you say?
Well it’s just
Definition well_founded A R := forall a : A, Acc R a
This Acc
thing means “accessible”,
Inductive Acc (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : Prop :=
Acc_intro : (forall y : A, R y x -> Acc R y) -> Acc R x
So something is accessible in R
if everything less than it is also accessible.
We can easily prove that if R
is well_founded
there is no infinite chain that could lead us to infinite recursion.
Section founded.
Variable A : Set.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Variable well_founded : well_founded R.
CoInductive stream :=
| Cons : A -> stream -> stream.
CoInductive tower_of_bad : stream -> Prop :=
OnTop : forall x y rest,
R y x ->
tower_of_bad (Cons y rest) ->
tower_of_bad (Cons x (Cons y rest)).
Lemma never_on_top :
forall x, forall rest, ~ tower_of_bad (Cons x rest).
intro; induction (well_founded x); inversion 1; try subst;
match goal with
[H : context[~ _] |- _ ] => eapply H; eauto
Theorem no_chains :
forall xs, ~ tower_of_bad xs.
destruct 1; eapply never_on_top; eauto.
End founded.
We’re using a powerful trick in never_on_top
, we’re inducting upon Acc
! This is the key to using well founded recursion. By inducting upon the Acc
instead of one of the terms of our function, we can easily recurse on any subterm y
, if R y x
This is handed to us by the lovely Fix
Fix : well_founded R ->
forall P : A -> Type,
(forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
forall x : A, P x
So Fix
is the better, cooler version of structural recursion that we were after. It lets us recurse on any y
where R y x
So in some sense, you can view Coq’s Fixpoint as just a specialization of Fix
where R x y
means that x
is a subterm of y
Wrap Up
So in conclusion, theorem provers don’t do the impossible. Rather they have a small battery of tricks to cheat the impossible general case and simplify common cases.
Back to the internet I go.
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