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Introduction to Dependent Types: Off, Off to Agda Land

Posted on September 21, 2014
Tags: agda, types

First, an apology. Sorry this has take so long to push out. I’ve just started my first semester at Carnegie Mellon. I fully intend to keep blogging, but it’s taken a little while to get my feet under me. Happy readings :)

In this second post of my “intro to dependent types” series we’re going on a whirlwind tour of Agda. Specifically we’re going to look at translating our faux-Haskell from the last post into honest to goodness typecheckable Agda.

There are 2 main reasons to go through the extra work of using a real language rather than pseudo-code

  1. This is typecheckable. I can make sure that all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed.
  2. It’s a lot cleaner We’re only using the core of Agda so it’s more or less a very stripped down Haskell with a much more expressive but simpler type system.

With that in mind let’s dive in!

What’s the Same

There’s quite a bit of shared syntax between Agda and Haskell, so a Haskeller can usually guess what’s going on.

In Agda we still give definitions in much the same way (single : though)

    thingy : Bool
    thingy = true

where as in Haskell we’d say

    name :: Type
    name = val

In fact, we even get Haskell’s nice syntactic sugar for functions.

    function : A -> B -> ... -> C
    function a b ... = c

Will desugar to a lambda.

    function : A -> B -> ... -> C
    function = \a b ... -> c

One big difference between Haskell and Agda is that, due to Agda’s more expressive type system, type inference is woefully undecidable. Those top level signatures are not optional sadly. Some DT language work a little harder than Agda when it comes to inference, but for a beginner this is a bit of a feature: you learn what the actual (somewhat scary) types are.

And of course, you always give type signatures in Haskell I’m sure :)

Like Haskell function application is whitespace and functions are curried

    -- We could explicitly add parens
    -- foo : A -> (B -> C)
    foo : A -> B -> C
    foo = ...

    a : A
    a = ...

    bar : B -> C
    bar = foo a

Even the data type declarations should look familiar, they’re just like GADTs syntactically.

    data Bool : Set where
      true  : Bool
      false : Bool

Notice that we have this new Set thing lurking in our code. Set is just the kind of normal types, like * in Haskell. In Agda there’s actually an infinite tower of these Bool : Set : Set1 : Set2 ..., but won’t concern ourselves with anything beyond Set. It’s also worth noting that Agda doesn’t require any particular casing for constructors, traditionally they’re lower case.

Pattern matching in Agda is pretty much identical to Haskell. We can define something like

    not : Bool -> Bool
    not true  = false
    not false = true

One big difference between Haskell and Agda is that pattern matching must be exhaustive. Nonexhaustiveness is a compiler error in Agda.

This brings me to another point worth mentioning. Remember that structural induction I mentioned the other day? Agda only allows recursion when the terms we recurse on are “smaller”.

In other words, all Agda functions are defined by structural induction. This together with the exhaustiveness restriction means that Agda programs are “total”. In other words all Agda programs reduce to a single value, they never crash or loop forever.

This can occasionally cause pain though since not all recursive functions are modelled nicely by structural induction! A classic example is merge sort. The issue is that in merge sort we want to say something like

    mergeSort : List Nat -> List Nat
    mergeSort [] = []
    mergeSort (x :: []) = x :: []
    mergeSort xs = let (l, r) = split xs in
                     merge (mergeSort l, mergeSort r)

But wait, how would the typechecker know that l and r are strictly smaller than xs? In fact, they might not be! We know that the length of length xs > 1, but convincing the typechecker of that fact is a pain! In fact, without elaborate trickery, Agda will reject this definition.

So, apart from these restriction for totality Agda has pretty much been a stripped down Haskell. Let’s start seeing what Agda offers over Haskell.

Dependent Types

There wouldn’t be much point in writing Agda if it didn’t have dependent types. In fact the two mechanisms that comprise our dependent types translate wonderfully into Agda.

First we had pi types, remember those?

    foo :: (a :: A) -> B
    foo a = ...

Those translate almost precisely into Agda, where we’d write

    foo : (a : A) -> B

The only difference is the colons! In fact, Agda’s pi types are far more general than what we’d discussed previously. The extra generality comes from what we allow A to be. In our previous post, A was always some normal type with the kind * (Set in Agda). In Agda though, we allow A to be Set itself. In Haskell syntax that would be something like

    foo :: (a :: *) -> B

What could a be then? Well anything with the kind * is a type, like Bool, (), or Nat. So that a is like a normal type variable in Haskell

    foo :: forall a. B

In fact, when we generalize pi types like this, they generalize parametric polymorphism. This is kind of like how we use “big lambdas” in System F to write out polymorphism explicitly.

Here’s a definition for the identity function in Agda.

    id : (A : Set) -> A -> A
    id A a = a

This is how we actually do all parametric polymorphism in Agda, as a specific use of pi types. This comes from the idea that types are also “first class”. We can pass them around and use them as arguments to functions, even dependent arguments :)

Now our other dependently typed mechanism was our generalized generalized algebraic data types. These also translate nicely to Agda.

    data Foo : Bool -> Set where
      Bar : Foo True

We indicate that we’re going to index our data on something the same way we would in Haskell++, by adding it to the type signature on the top of the data declaration.

Agda’s GGADTs also allow us to us to add “parameters” instead of indices. These are things which the data type may use, but each constructor handles uniformly without inspecting it.

For example a list type depends on the type of it’s elements, but it doesn’t poke further at the type or value of those elements. They’re handled “parametrically”.

In Agda a list would be defined as

    data List (A : Set) : Set where
      nil  : List A
      cons : A -> List A -> List A

If your wondering what on earth the difference is, don’t worry! You’ve already in fact used parametric/non-parametric type arguments in Haskell. In Haskell a normal algebraic type can just take several type variables and can’t try to do clever things depending on what the argument is. For example, our definition of lists

    data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil

can’t do something different if a is Int instead of Bool or something like that. That’s not the case with GADTs though, there we can do clever things like

    data List :: * -> * where
      IntOnlyCons :: Int -> List Int -> List Int

Now we’re not treating our type argument opaquely, we can figure things out about it depending on what constructor our value uses! That’s the core of the difference between parameters in indices in Agda.

Next let’s talk about modules. Agda’s prelude is absolutely tiny. By tiny I mean essentially non-existant. Because of this I’m using the Agda standard library heavily and to import something in Agda we’d write

import Foo.Bar.Baz

This isn’t the same as a Haskell import though. By default, imports in Agda import a qualified name to use. To get a Haskell style import we’ll use the special shortcut

open import Foo.Bar

which is short for

import Foo.Bar
open Bar

Because Agda’s prelude is so tiny we’ll have to import things like booleans, numbers, and unit. These are all things defined in the standard library, not even the core language. Expect any Agda code we write to make heavy use of the standard library and begin with a lot of imports.

Finally, Agda’s names are somewhat.. unique. Agda and it’s standard library are unicode heavy, meaning that instead of unit we’d type ⊤ and instead of Void we’d use ⊥. Which is pretty nifty, but it does take some getting used to. If you’re familiar with LaTeX, the Emacs mode for Agda allows LaTeX style entry. For example ⊥ can be entered as \bot.

The most common unicode name we’ll use is ℕ. This is just the type of natural numbers as their defined in Data.Nat.

A Few Examples

Now that we’ve seen what dependent types look like in Agda, let’s go over a few examples of their use.

First let’s import a few things

    open import Data.Nat
    open import Data.Bool

Now we can define a few simple Agda functions just to get a feel for how that looks.

    not : Bool -> Bool
    not true  = false
    not false = true

    and : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    and true b  = b
    and false _ = false

    or : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    or false b = b
    or true  _ = true

As you can see defining functions is mostly identical to Haskell, we just pattern match and the top level and go from there.

We can define recursive functions just like in Haskell

    plus : ℕ -> ℕ -> ℕ
    plus (suc n) m = suc (plus n m)
    plus zero    m = m

Now with Agda we can use our data types to encode “proofs” of sorts.

For example

    data IsEven :-> Set where
      even-z : IsEven zero
      even-s  : (n : Nat) -> IsEven n -> IsEven (suc (suc n))

Now this inductively defines what it means for a natural number to be even so that if Even n exists then n must be even. We can also state oddness

    data IsOdd :-> Set where
      odd-o : IsOdd (suc zero)
      odd-s : (n :) -> IsOdd n -> IsOdd (suc (suc n))

Now we can construct a decision procedure which produces either a proof of evenness or oddness for all natural numbers.

    open import Data.Sum -- The same thing as Either in Haskell; ⊎ is just Either

    evenOrOdd : (n :) -> Odd n ⊎ Even n

So we’re setting out to construct a function that, given any n, builds up an appropriate term showing it is either even or odd.

The first two cases of this function are kinda the base cases of this recurrence.

    evenOrOdd zero = inj₁ even-z
    evenOrOdd (suc zero) = inj₂ odd-o

So if we’re given zero or one, return the base case of IsEven or IsOdd as appropriate. Notice that instead of Left or Right as constructors we have inj₁ and inj₂. They serve exactly the same purpose, just with a shinier unicode name.

Now our next step would be to handle the case where we have

    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) = ?

Our code is going to be like the Haskell code

    case evenOrOdd n of
      Left evenProof -> Left (EvenS evenProof)
      Right oddProof -> Right (OddS  oddProof)

In words, we’ll recurse and inspect the result, if we get an even proof we’ll build a bigger even proof and if we can an odd proof we’ll build a bigger odd proof.

In Agda we’ll use the with keyword. This allows us to “extend” the current pattern matching by adding an expression to the list of expressions we’re pattern matching on.

    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) with evenOrOdd n
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) | inj₁ x = ?
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) | inj₂ y = ?

Now we add our new expression to use for matching by saying ... with evenOrOdd n. Then we list out the next set of possible patterns.

From here the rest of the function is quite straightforward.

    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) | inj₁ x = inj₁ (even-s n x)
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) | inj₂ y = inj₂ (odd-s n y)

Notice that we had to duplicate the whole evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) bit of the match? It’s a bit tedious so Agda provides some sugar. If we replace that portion of the match with ... Agda will just automatically reuse the pattern we had when we wrote with.

Now our whole function looks like

    evenOrOdd : (n :) -> IsEven n ⊎ IsOdd n
    evenOrOdd zero = inj₁ even-z
    evenOrOdd (suc zero) = inj₂ odd-o
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) with evenOrOdd n
    ... | inj₁ x = inj₁ (even-s n x)
    ... | inj₂ y = inj₂ (odd-s n y)

How can we improve this? Well notice that that suc (suc n) case involved unpacking our Either and than immediately repacking it, this looks like something we can abstract over.

    bimap : (A B C D : Set) -> (A -> C) -> (B -> D) -> A ⊎ B -> C ⊎ D
    bimap A B C D f g (inj₁ x) = inj₁ (f x)
    bimap A B C D f g (inj₂ y) = inj₂ (g y)

If we gave bimap a more Haskellish siganture

    bimap :: forall a b c d. (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d

One interesting point to notice is that the type arguments in the Agda function (A and B) also appeared in the normal argument pattern! This is because we’re using the normal pi type mechanism for parametric polymorphism, so we’ll actually end up explicitly passing and receiving the types we quantify over. This messed with me quite a bit when I first starting learning DT languages, take a moment and convince yourself that this makes sense.

Now that we have bimap, we can use it to simplify our evenOrOdd function.

    evenOrOdd : (n :) -> IsEven n ⊎ IsOdd n
    evenOrOdd zero = inj₁ even-z
    evenOrOdd (suc zero) = inj₂ odd-o
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) =
      bimap (IsEven n) (IsOdd n)
            (IsEven (suc (suc n))) (IsOdd (suc (suc n)))
            (even-s n) (odd-s n) (evenOrOdd n)

We’ve gotten rid of the explicit with, but at the cost of all those explicit type arguments! Those are both gross and obvious. Agda can clearly deduce what A, B, C and D should be from the arguments and what the return type must be. In fact, Agda provides a convenient mechanism for avoiding this boilerplate. If we simply insert _ in place of an argument, Agda will try to guess it from the information it has about the other arguments and contexts. Since these type arguments are so clear from context, Agda can guess them all

    evenOrOdd : (n :) -> IsEven n ⊎ IsOdd n
    evenOrOdd zero = inj₁ even-z
    evenOrOdd (suc zero) = inj₂ odd-o
    evenOrOdd (suc (suc n)) =
      bimap _ _ _ _ (even-s n) (odd-s n) (evenOrOdd n)

Now at least the code fits on one line! This also raises something interesting, the types are so strict that Agda can actually figure out parts of our programs for us! I’m not sure about you but at this point in time my brain mostly melted :) Because of this I’ll try to avoid using _ and other mechanisms for Agda writing programs for us where I can. The exception of course being situations like the above where it’s necessary for readabilities sake.

One important exception to that rule is for parameteric polymorphism. It’s a royal pain to pass around types explicitly everywhere. We’re going to use an Agda feature called “implicit arguments”. You should think of these as arguments for which the _ is inserted for it. So instead of writing

    foo _ zero zero

We could write

    foo zero zero

This more closely mimicks what Haskell does for its parametric polymorphism. To indicate we want something to be an implicit argument, we just wrap it in {} instead of (). So for example, we could rewrite bimap as

    bimap : {A B C D : Set} -> (A -> C) -> (B -> D) -> A ⊎ B -> C ⊎ D
    bimap f g (inj₁ x) = inj₁ (f x)
    bimap f g (inj₂ y) = inj₂ (g y)

To avoid all those underscores.

Another simple function we’ll write is that if we can construct an IsOdd n, we can build an IsEven (suc n).

    oddSuc : (n :) -> IsOdd n -> IsEven (suc n)

Now this function has two arguments, a number and a term showing that that number is odd. To write this function we’ll actually recurse on the IsOdd term.

    oddSuc .1 odd-o = even-s zero even-z
    oddSuc .(suc (suc n)) (odd-s n p) = even-s (suc n) (oddSuc n p)

Now if we squint hard and ignore those . terms, this looks much like we’d expect. We build the Even starting from even-s zero even-z. From there we just recurse and talk on a even-s constructor to scale the IsEven term up by two.

There’s a weird thing going on here though, those . patterns. Those are a nifty little idea in Agda that pattern matching on one thing might force another term to be some value. If we know that our IsOdd n is odd-o n must be suc zero. Anything else would just be completely incorrect. To notate these patterns Agda forces you to prefix them with .. You should read .Y as “because of X, this must be Y”.

This isn’t an optional choice though, as . patterns may do several wonky things. The most notable is that they often use pattern variables nonlinearly, notice that n appeared twice in our second pattern clause. Without the . this would be very illegal.

As an exercise to the reader, try to write

    evenSuc : (n :) -> IsEven n -> IsOdd (suc n)

Wrap Up

That wraps up this post which came out much longer than I expected. We’ve now covered enough basics to actually discuss meaningful dependently typed programs. That’s right, we can finally kiss natural numbers good bye in the next post!

Next time we’ll cover writing a small program but interesting program and use dependent types to assure ourselves of it’s correctness.

As always, please comment with any questions :)

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