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Examining Hackage: concurrent-supply

Posted on November 26, 2014
Tags: haskell

It’s been a while since I posted about some code I’ve been reading, but today I found a little gem: concurrent-supply. This package sets out to provide fast way to generate unique identifiers in a way that’s splittable and supports concurrency.

What’s particularly cool about this package is that the code is only about ~100 lines and a goodly chunk of that is pragramas to tell GHC to actually inline trivial functions.

The API is just 5 functions

    type Supply
    newSupply :: IO Supply
    freshId :: Supply -> (Int, Supply)
    splitSupply :: Supply -> (Supply, Supply)

    freshId# :: Supply -> (# Int, Supply #)
    splitSupply# :: Supply -> (# Int, Supply #)

Supply is the type for well.. supplies of fresh integers. We can grab an Int out of a supply producing a new supply as well. We can also split a supply so that we have two new supplies that will produce disjoint identifiers.

The idea here is that we can have supplies that are used from multiple concurrent threads and they won’t ever

  1. Duplicate identifiers between supply
  2. Hammer on the same supply and destroy all our concurrency

It does go without saying that eventually we run out of ints, so I suppose if you sit and prod a supply for a very long time, something bad will happen.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the imports for Control.Concurrent.Supply.

    import Data.Hashable
    import Data.IORef
    import Data.Functor ((<$>))
    import Data.Monoid
    import GHC.IO (unsafeDupablePerformIO, unsafePerformIO)
    import GHC.Types (Int(..))
    import GHC.Prim (Int#)

So you can see that some interesting stuff is going to happen, we have both unboxed ints, and unsafe*PerformIOs. As a quick review, unsafeDupablePerformIO is for IO actions which are okay being forced at the same time by different threads which unsafePerformIO is a little bit more modest and ensures we only force things from one thread at a time.

With this in mind, the code starts with the classic definition of streams in Haskell.

    infixr 5 :-
    data Stream a = a :- Stream a

This is followed with some rather a few definitions,

    instance Functor Stream where
      fmap f (a :- as) = f a :- fmap f as

    extract :: Stream a -> a
    extract (a :- _) = a

    units :: Stream ()
    units = () :- units
    {-# NOINLINE units #-}

Do note that units won’t be inlined, this is unfortunately important when we’re thinking about with unsafe functions.

Now on top of streams we can define a rather important type, blocks.

    data Block = Block Int !(Stream Block)

    instance Eq Block where
      Block a (Block b _ :- _) == Block c (Block d _ :- _) = a == c && b == d

    instance Ord Block where
      Block a (Block b _ :- _) `compare` Block c (Block d _ :- _) = compare a c `mappend` compare b d

    instance Show Block where
      showsPrec d (Block a (Block b _ :- _)) = showParen (d >= 10) $
        showString "Block " . showsPrec 10 a . showString " (Block "
                            . showsPrec 10 b . showString " ... :- ...)"

    instance Hashable Block where
      hashWithSalt s (Block a (Block b _ :- _)) = s `hashWithSalt` a `hashWithSalt` b

So a block is an integer and an infinite number of other blocks. Notice that block identity is purely determined by the first two ints. This is contingent on the fact that all blocks are made with

    blockSize :: Int
    blockSize = 1024
    {-# INLINE blockSize #-}

    -- Minimum size to be worth splitting a supply rather than
    -- just CAS'ing twice to avoid multiple subsequent biased splits
    blockCounter :: IORef Int
    blockCounter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
    {-# NOINLINE blockCounter #-}

    modifyBlock :: a -> IO Int
    modifyBlock _ =
      atomicModifyIORef blockCounter $ \ i ->
        let i' = i + blockSize in i' `seq` (i', i)
    {-# NOINLINE modifyBlock #-}

    gen :: a -> Block
    gen x = Block (unsafeDupablePerformIO (modifyBlock x)) (gen <$> units)
    {-# NOINLINE gen #-}

    newBlock :: IO Block
    newBlock = return $! gen ()
    {-# NOINLINE newBlock #-}

This is the first bit of unsafe code, so let’s look at what’s going on. We have a normal constant blockSize which represents something, it’s not immediately clear what yet. There’s a global mutable variable blockCounter starting from zero. From there, we have gen which creates a block by making a thunk which unsafely bumps the block counter by 1024, returning its previous size. To get the stream of blocks we fmap units.

It’s worth wondering why we need this polymorphic argument. I’m reasonable certain it’s to prevent GHC from being clever and sharing that (unsafeDupablePerformIO ...) between blocks. That would be very bad. It might not do that if we where to use () instead of a but there’s no reason a future optimization (if it doesn’t exist already) wouldn’t figure out that there’s only one possible result type and reduce the whole thing to a CAF.

Now a newBlock wraps all this unsafe updating in IO and returns the application of gen ().

So what does all of this mean? Well each block thunk is going to have its own unique ID, separated by 1024 and only claimed whenever we actually force its first component. We have this gnarly chunk of mutable shared memory that we only ever modify with atomicModifyIORef, we actually touch it whenever we inspect the first thunk in a Block. What’s particularly interesting is that this can happen in pure code! By putting off this costly operation as long as possible we amortize the cost of all that contention.

Now we also have to support split, luckily it’s easy to split blocks since we have an infinite number of them nested!

    splitBlock# :: Block -> (# Block, Block #)
    splitBlock# (Block i (x :- xs)) = (# x, Block i xs #)

It becomes a bit clearer now why we can completely determine blocks by their “first two” elements. The head is completely unique to each sequence so we know at minimum that if i == j in Block i xs and Block j ys then either xs or ys is the tail of the other. This is an invariant we maintain throughout the code not exposing Block and by ensuring we never :- any new ones onto its internal stream. If these streams have the same head (also unique) then they must be the same sequence so the original blocks are equivalent. Nifty.

Now this still isn’t quite enough, we need one final data type: Supply

    data Supply = Supply {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int Block
        deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

    blockSupply :: Block -> Supply
    blockSupply (Block i bs) = Supply i (i + blockSize - 1) (extract bs)
    {-# INLINE blockSupply #-}

A supply should be seen almost an iterator over a chunk of a number line. We know that each block is 1024 away from each other and a supply is almost an iterator from the blocks starting value over the next 1023 elements. We know that Supplys could intersect because the blocks are spaced this far apart.

Once we run out of those elements though, we need to get more. For this we have another block hidden in the back of the supply. It’s kept lazily so that it won’t fire of its first thunk to go bump our global store. When we run out of things to enumerate we call blockSupply, which will force i which will go bother the global counter for another chunk of 1024 unique values.

With this understanding, splitSupply and freshId are quite easy.

    -- | An unboxed version of freshId
    freshId# :: Supply -> (# Int#, Supply #)
    freshId# (Supply i@(I# i#) j b)
      | i /= j = (# i#, Supply (i + 1) j b #)
      | otherwise = (# i#, blockSupply b #)
    {-# INLINE freshId# #-}

    -- | An unboxed version of splitSupply
    splitSupply# :: Supply -> (# Supply, Supply #)
    splitSupply# (Supply i k b) = case splitBlock# b of
        (# bl, br #)
          | k - i >= minSplitSupplySize
          , j <- i + div (k - i) 2 ->
            (# Supply i j bl, Supply (j + 1) k br #)
          | Block x (l :- r :- _) <- bl
          , y <- x + div blockSize 2
          , z <- x + blockSize - 1 ->
            (# Supply x (y - 1) l, Supply y z r #)
    {-# INLINE splitSupply# #-}

freshId# is more or less what we’d expect for an iterator. It returns the lower bound and returns the new supply with the lower bound bumped by one. Notice how cheap this is. In particular, since we haven’t forced b anywhere we’ve just copied a couple of words. The expensive bit is when we actually run out of values in our range, in this case we return our final value and force operation to produce a new supply. This goes off and hammers on blockCounter. Happily we only end up doing this 1/1024th of the time.

splitSupply# is a bit more complicated. When we go to split a supply we’re going to partition its range of values into two separate ranges. However, we want to watch out for splitting extremely small ranges. In this case, it’s slightly more efficient to just bite the bullet and incur the cost of hitting the blockCounter.

The way we determine this is to split the block b, giving us two new blocks. If we have more in the current set of ids then minimumSplitSize all we give the two blocks to two new supplies, each with one half of the original range.

If the block size is indeed two small, we poke the first block in the pair. This causes it to go hammer blockCounter and from there we divide the range we got back into two and return these smaller supplies over the new range. Notice that we’ve completely tossed the remaining elements in the supply on the floor since there weren’t that many. More interestingly, we completely ignored the second result of our split! The idea is that the most expensive operation we can do here is force that first thunk in a block. However, is long as we don’t force their first components blocks are dirt cheap! Hence it’s cheaper to accept that we only get half of blockSize on each Supply but we only had to perform one CAS to get them.

So now that we’ve done all of that, all that’s left in the module is the paper-thin wrappers over these functions so we don’t always have to use unboxed tuples

    -- | Obtain a fresh Id from a Supply.
    freshId :: Supply -> (Int, Supply)
    freshId s = case freshId# s of
      (# i, s' #) -> (I# i, s')
    {-# INLINE freshId #-}

    -- | Split a supply into two supplies that will return disjoint identifiers
    splitSupply :: Supply -> (Supply, Supply)
    splitSupply s = case splitSupply# s of
      (# l, r #) -> (l, r)
    {-# INLINE splitSupply #-}

And that’s all. I’ll hope this illustrated a fairly unique mix of laziness in side effects to help reduce contention for a difficult concurrent problem.


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