A Crash Course on ML Modules
I was having lunch with a couple of Haskell programmers the other day and the subject of the ML family came up. I’ve been writing a lot of ML lately and mentioned that I thought *ML was well worth learning for the average Haskeller. When pressed why the best answer I could come up with was “Well.. clean language, Oh! And an awesome module system” which wasn’t my exactly most compelling response.
I’d like to outline a bit of SML module system here to help substantiate why looking at an ML is A Good Thing. All the code here should be translatable to OCaml if that’s more your taste.
In ML languages modules are a well thought out portion of the language. They aren’t just “Oh we need to separate these names… modules should work”. Like any good language they have methods for abstraction and composition. Additionally, like any good part of an ML language, modules have an expressive type language for mediating how composition and abstraction works.
So to explain how this module system functions as a whole, we’ll cover 3 subjects
- Structures
- Signatures
- Functors
Giving a cursory overview of what each thing is and how it might be used.
Structures are the values in the module language. They are how we actually create a module. The syntax for them is
fun flip f x y = f y x
datatype 'a list = Con of ('a * 'a list) | Nil
A quick note to Haskellers, in ML types are lower case and type variables are written with ’s. Type constructors are applied “backwards” so List a
is 'a list
So they’re just a bunch of a declarations stuffed in between a struct
and end
. This is a bit useless if we can’t bind it to a name. For that there’s
structure M = struct val x = 1 end
And now we have a new module M
with a single member, x : int
. This is just like binding a variable in the term language except a “level up” if you like. We can use this just like you would use modules in any other language.
val x' = M.x + 1
Since struct ... end
can contain any list of declarations we can nest module bindings.
structure M' =
structure NestedM = M
And access this using .
val sum = M'.NestedM.x + M.x
As you can imagine, it would get a bit tedious if we needed to .
our way to every single module access. For that we have open
which just dumps a module’s exposed contents into our namespace. What’s particularly interesting about open
is that it is a “normal” declaration and can be nested with let
fun f y =
let open M in
x + y
OCaml has gone a step further and added special syntax for small opens. The “local opens” would turn our code into
This already gives us a lot more power than your average module system. Structures basically encapsulate what we’d expect in a module system, but
- Structures =/= files
- Structures can be bound to names
- Structures can be nested
Up next is a look at what sort of type system we can impose on our language of structures.
Now for the same reason we love types in the term language (safety, readability, insert-semireligious-rant) we’d like them in the module language. Happily ML comes equipped with a feature called signatures. Signature values look a lot like structures
val x : int
datatype 'a list = Cons of ('a * 'a list) | Nil
So a signature is a list of declarations without any implementations. We can list algebraic data types, other modules, and even functions and values but we won’t provide any actual code to run them. I like to think of signatures as what most documentation rendering tools show for a module.
As we had with structures, signatures can be given names.
signature MSIG = sig val x : int end
On their own signatures are quite useless, the whole point is that we can apply them to modules after all! To do this we use :
just like in the term language.
structure M : MSIG = struct val x = 1 end
When compiled, this will check that M
has at least the field x : int
inside its structure. We can apply signatures retroactively to both module variables and structure values themselves.
structure M : MSIG = struct val x = 1 end : MSIG
One interesting feature of signatures is the ability to leave certain types abstract. For example, when implementing a map the actual implementation of the core data type doesn’t belong in the signature.
signature MAP =
type key
type 'a table
val empty : 'a table
val insert : key -> 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table
val lookup : key -> 'a table -> 'a option
Notice that the type of keys and tables are left abstract. When someone applies a signature they can do so in two ways, weak or strong ascription. Weak ascription (:
) means that the constructors of abstract types are still accessible, but the signature does hide all unrelated declarations in the module. Strong ascription (:>
) makes the abstract types actually abstract.
Every once in a while we need to modify a signature. We can do this with the keywords where type
. For example, we might implement a specialization of MAP
for integer keys and want our signature to express this
structure IntMap :> MAP where type key = int =
struct ... end
This incantation leaves the type of the table abstract but specializes the keys to an int.
Last but not least, let’s talk about abstraction in module land.
Last but not least let’s talk about the “killer feature” of ML module systems: functors. Functors are the “lifting” of functions into the module language. A functor is a function that maps modules with a certain signature to functions of a different signature.
Jumping back to our earlier example of maps, the equivalent in Haskell land is Data.Map
. The big difference is that Haskell gives us maps for all keys that implement Ord
. Our signature doesn’t give us a clear way to associate all these different modules, one for each Ord
erable key, that are really the same thing. We can represent this relationship in SML with
signature ORD =
type t
val compare : t * t -> order
functor RBTree (O : ORD) : MAP where type key = O.t =
open O
Which reads as “For any module implementing Ord
, I can give you a module implementing MAP
which keys of type O.t
”. We can then instantiate these
structure IntOrd =
type t = int
val compare = Int.compare end
structure IntMap = RBTree(IntOrd)
Sadly SML’s module language isn’t higher order. This means we can’t assign functors a type (there isn’t an equivalent of ->
) and we can’t pass functors to functors. Even with this restriction functors are tremendously useful.
One interesting difference between SML and OCaml is how functors handle abstract types. Specifically, is it the case that
F(M).t = F(M).t
In SML the answer is (surprisingly) no! Applying a functor generates brand new abstract types. This is actually beneficial when you remember SML and OCaml aren’t pure. For example you might write a functor for handling symbol tables and internally use a mutable symbol table. One nifty trick would be to keep of type of symbols abstract. If you only give back a symbol upon registering something in the table, this would mean that all symbols a user can supply are guaranteed to correspond to some entry.
This falls apart however if functors are extensional. Consider the following REPL session
> structure S1 = SymbolTable(WhateverParameters)
> structure S2 = SymbolTable(WhateverParameters)
> val key = S1.register "I'm an entry"
> S2.lookup key
Error: no such key!
This will not work if S1
and S2
have separate key types.
To my knowledge, the general conclusion is that generative functors (ala SML) are good for impure code, but applicative functors (ala OCaml and BackPack) really shine with pure code.
Wrap Up
We’ve covered a lot of ground in this post. This wasn’t an exhaustive tour of every feature of ML module systems, but hopefully I got the jist across.
If there’s one point to take home: In a lot of languages modules are clearly a bolted on construction. They’re something added on later to fix “that library problem” and generally consist of the same “module <-> file” and “A module imports others to bring them into scope”. In ML that’s simply not the case. The module language is a rich, well thought out thing with it’s own methods of abstraction, composition, and even a notion of types!
I wholeheartedly recommend messing around a bit with OCaml or SML to see how having these things impacts your thought process. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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