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Observations about -XStaticPointers

Posted on January 27, 2015
Tags: haskell, types

For those who haven’t heard, GHC 7.10 is making a brave foray into the exciting world of distributed computing. To this end, it’s made a new language extension called -XStaticPointers to support Cloud Haskell in a pleasant, first class manner.

If you haven’t heard of static pointers before now, it’s worth glancing through the nice tutorial from ocharles’ 24 days of $(Haskell Related Thing).

The long and short of it is that -XStaticPointers gives us this new keyword static. We apply static to an expression and if there are no closured variables (to be formalized momentarily) then we get back a StaticPtr a. This gives us a piece of data that we can" serialize and ship over the wire because it has no dependencies.

Now to expand upon this “no closured variables”. A thing can only be fed to static if the free variables in the expression are all top level variables. This forbids us from writing something like

    foo :: StaticPtr a
    foo a = static a

Now in all honesty, I’m not super interested in Cloud Haskell. It’s not my area of expertise and I’m already terrified of trying to do things on one machine. What does interest me a lot though is this notion of having “I have no free variables” in the type of an expression. It’s an invariant we didn’t really have before in Haskell.

In fact, as I looked more closely it reminded me of something called box from modal logic.

A Quick Summary of Modal Logic

I’m not trying to give you a full understanding of modal logic, just a brief taste.

Modal logic extends our vanilla logic (in Haskell land this is constructive logic) with modalities. Modalities are little prefixes we tack on the front of a proposition to qualify its meaning slightly.

For example we might say something like

If it is possible that it is raining, then I will need an umbrella.

Here we used then modality possible to indicate we’re not assuming that it is snowing, only that it’s conceivable that it is. Because I’m a witch and will melt in the rain even the possibility of death raining from the sky will force me to pack my umbrella.

To formalize this a bit, we have our inductive definition of propositions

P = ⊥
  | ⊤
  | P ∧ P
  | P ∨ P
  | P ⇒ P
  | □ P

This is the syntax of a particular modal logic with one modality. Everything looks quite normal up until the last proposition form, which is the “box” modality applied to some proposition.

The box modality (the one we really care about for later) means “necessarily”. I almost think of it is a truthier truth if you can buy that. □ forbids us from using any hypotheses saying something like A is true inside of it. Since it represents a higher standard of proof we can’t use the weaker notion that A is true! The rule for creating a box looks like this to the first approximation

 • ⊢ A
Γ ⊢ □ A

So in order to prove a box something under a set of assumptions Γ, we have to prove it assuming none of those assumptions. In fact, we find that this is a slightly overly restrictive form for this judgment, we know that if we have a □ A we proved it without assumptions so if we have to introduce a □ B we should be able to use the assumption that A is true for this proof because we know we can construct one without any assumptions and could just copy paste that in.

This causes us to create a second context, one of the hypotheses that A is valid, usually notated with a Δ. We then get the rules

   Δ; • ⊢ A          Δ; Γ ⊢ A valid     A valid ∈ Δ
———————————————      ——————————————   ———————————————
Δ; Γ ⊢ □ A true       Δ; Γ ⊢ A true    Δ; Γ ⊢ A valid

Δ; Γ ⊢ □ A   Δ, A valid; Γ ⊢ B
         Δ; Γ ⊢ B

What you should take away from these scary looking symbols is

  1. A valid is much stronger than A true
  2. Anything inside a □ can depend on valid stuff, but not true stuff
  3. □ A true is the same as A valid.

This presentation glosses over a fair amount, if your so inclined I’d suggest looking at Frank Pfenning’s lecture notes from his class entitled “Modal Logic”. These actually go at a reasonable pace and introduce the groundwork for someone who isn’t super familiar with logic.

Now that we’ve established that there is an interesting theoretical backing for modal logic, I’m going to drop it on the floor and look at what Haskell actually gives us.

That “Who Cares” Bit

Okay, so how does this pertain to StaticPtr? Well I noticed that just like how box drops hypotheses that are “merely true”, static drops variables that are introduced by our local context!

This made me think that perhaps StaticPtrs are a useful equivalent to the □ modality! This shouldn’t be terribly surprising for PL people, indeed the course I linked to above expressly mentions □ to notate “movable code”. What’s really exciting about this is that there are a lot more applications of □ then just movable code! We can use it to notate staged computation for example.

Alas however, it was not to be. Static pointers are missing one essential component that makes them unsuitable for being □, we can’t eliminate them properly. In modal logic, we have a rule that lets other boxes depend on the contents of some box. The elimination rule is much stronger than just “If you give me a □ A, I’ll give you an A” because it’s much harder to construct a □ A in the first place! It’s this asymmetry that makes static pointers not quite kosher. With static pointers there isn’t a notion that we can take one static pointer and use it in another.

For example, we can’t write

    applyS :: StaticPtr a -> StaticPtr (a -> b) -> StaticPtr b
    applyS sa sf = static (deRefStaticPtr sf (deRefStaticPtr sa))

My initial reaction was that -XStaticPointers is missing something, perhaps a notion of a “static pattern”. This would let us say something like

    applyS :: StaticPtr a -> StaticPtr (a -> b) -> StaticPtr b
    applyS sa sf =
      let static f = sf
          static a = sa
      in static (f a)

So this static pattern in a keyword would allow us to hoist a variable into the realm of things we’re allowed to leave free in a static pointer.

This makes sense from my point of view, but less so from that of Cloud Haskell. The whole point of static pointers is to show a computation is dependency free after all, static patterns introduce a (limited) set of dependencies on the thunk that make our lives complicated. It’s not obvious to me how to desugar things so that static patterns can be compiled how we want them to be, it looks like it would require some runtime code generation which is a no-no for Haskell.

My next thought was that maybe Closure was the answer, but that doesn’t actually work either! We can introduce a closure from an arbitrary serializable term which is exactly what we don’t want from a model of □! Remember, we want to model closed terms so allowing us to accept an arbitrary term defeats the point.

It’s painfully clear that StaticPtrs are very nearly □s, but not quite! Whatever Box ends up being, we’d want the following interface

    data Box a

    intoBox :: StaticPtr a -> Box a
    closeBox :: Box (a -> b) -> Box a -> Box b
    outBox :: Box a -> a

The key difference from StaticPtr’s being closeBox. Basically this gives us a way to say “I have something that’s closed except for one dependency” and we can fill that dependency with some other closed term.

This turns something like

    let static x = sx in static y


    intoBox (static (\x -> y)) `closeBox` intoBox sx

If you read the tutorial, you’ll notice that this is most of the implementation of Closure! Following our noses we define

    data Box a where
      Pure  :: StaticPtr a -> Box a
      Close :: Box (a -> b) -> Box a -> Box b

This is literally the dumbest implementation of Box I think is possible, but it actually works just fine.

    intoBox = Pure
    closeBox = Close

    outBox :: Box a -> a
    outBox (Pure a) = deRefStaticPtr a
    outBox (Close f a) = outBox f (outBox a)

which would seem to be modal logic in Haskell.

Wrap Up

To be honest, I’m not sure yet how this is useful. I’m kinda swamped with coursework at the moment (new semester at CMU) but it seems like a new and fun thing to play with.

I’ve stuck the code at jozefg/modal if you want to play with it. Fair warning that it only compiles with GHC >= 7.10 because we need static pointers.

Finally, since the idea of modalities for sendable code is not a new one, I should leave these links


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