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A Proof of Church Rosser in Twelf

Posted on May 5, 2015
Tags: twelf, types

An important property in any term rewriting system, a system of rules for saying one term can be rewritten into another, is called confluence. In a term rewriting system more than one rule may apply at a time, confluence states that it doesn’t matter in what order we apply these rules. In other words, there’s some sort of diamond property in our system

                 Starting Term
                    /     \
                   /       \
          Rule 1  /         \ Rule 2
                 /           \
                /             \
               B               C
                \              /
         A bunch \     of     / rules later
                  \          /
                   \        /
                    \      /
                 Same end point

In words (and not a crappy ascii picture)

  1. Suppose we have some term A
  2. The system lets us rewrite A to B
  3. The system lets us rewrite A to C

Then two things hold

  1. The system lets us rewrite B to D in some number of rewrites
  2. The system lets us rewrite C to D with a different series of rewrites

In the specific case of lambda calculus, confluence is referred to as the “Church-Rosser Theorem”. This theorem has several important corollaries, including that the normal forms of any lambda term is unique. To see this, remember that a normal form is always “at the bottom” of diamonds like the one we drew above. This means that if some term had multiple steps to take, they all must converge before one of them reaches a normal form. If any of them did hit a normal form first, they couldn’t complete the diamond.

Proving Church-Rosser

In this post I’d like to go over a proof of the Church Rosser theorem in Twelf, everyone’s favorite mechanized metalogic. To follow along if you don’t know Twelf, perhaps some shameless self linking will help.

We need to start by actually defining lambda calculus. In keeping with Twelf style, we laugh at those restricted by the bounds of inductive types and use higher order abstract syntax to get binding for free.

    term : type.
    ap   :  term -> term  -> term.
    lam  : (term -> term) -> term.

We have to constructors, ap, which applies one term to another. The interesting one here is lam which embeds the LF function space, term -> term into term. This actually makes sense because term isn’t an inductive type, just a type family with a few members. There’s no underlying induction principle with which we can derive contradictions. To be perfectly honest I’m not sure how the proof of soundness of something like Twelf %total mechanism proceeds. If a reader is feeling curious, I believe this is the appropriate paper to read.

With this, something like λx. x x as lam [x] ap x x.

Now on to evaluation. We want to talk about things as a term rewriting system, so we opt for a small step evaluation approach.

    step     : term -> term -> type.
    step/b   : step (ap (lam F) A) (F A).
    step/ap1 : step (ap F A) (ap F' A)
                <- step F F'.
    step/ap2 : step (ap F A) (ap F A')
                <- step A A'.
    step/lam : step (lam [x] M x) (lam [x] M' x)
                <- ({x} step (M x) (M' x)).

    step* : term -> term -> type.
    step*/z : step* A A.
    step*/s : step* A C
               <- step A B
               <- step* B C.

We start with the 4 sorts of steps you can make in this system. 3 of them are merely “if you can step somewhere else, you can pull the rewrite out”, I’ve heard these referred to as compatibility rules. This is what ap1, ap2 and lam do, lam being the most interesting since it deals with going under a binder. Finally, the main rule is step/b which defines beta reduction. Note that HOAS gives us this for free as application.

Finally, step* is for a series of steps. We either have no steps, or a step followed by another series of steps. Now we want to prove a couple theorems about our system. These are mostly the lifting of the “compatibility rules” up to working on step*s. The first is the lifting of ap1.

     step*/left : step* F F' -> step* (ap F A) (ap F' A) -> type.
     %mode +{F : term} +{F' : term} +{A : term} +{In : step* F F'}
     -{Out : step* (ap F A) (ap F' A)} (step*/left In Out).

     - : step*/left step*/z step*/z.
     - : step*/left (step*/s S* S) (step*/s S'* (step/ap1 S))
          <- step*/left S* S'*.

     %worlds (lam-block) (step*/left _ _).
     %total (T) (step*/left T _).

Note, the mode specification I’m using a little peculiar. It needs to be this verbose because otherwise A mode-errors. Type inference is peculiar.

The theorem says that if F steps to F' in several steps, for all A, ap F A steps to ap F' A in many steps. The actual proof is quite boring, we just recurse and apply step/ap1 until everything type checks.

Note that the world specification for step*/left is a little strange. We use the block lam-block because later one of our theorem needs this. The block is just

%block lam-block : block {x : term}.

We need to annotate this on all our theorems because Twelf’s world subsumption checker isn’t convinced that lam-block can subsume the empty worlds we check some of our theorems in. Ah well.

Similarly to step*/left there is step*/right. The proof is 1 character off so I won’t duplicate it.

    step*/right : step* A A' -> step* (ap F A) (ap F A') -> type.

Finally, we have step/lam, the lifting of the compatibility rule for lambdas. This one is a little more fun since it actually works by pattern matching on functions.

     step*/lam : ({x} step* (F x) (F' x))
                  -> step* (lam F) (lam F')
                  -> type.
     %mode step*/lam +A -B.

     - : step*/lam ([x] step*/z) step*/z.
     - : step*/lam ([x] step*/s (S* x) (S x))
          (step*/s S'* (step/lam S))
          <- step*/lam S* S'*.

     %worlds (lam-block) (step*/lam _ _).
     %total (T) (step*/lam T _).

What’s fun here is that we’re inducting on a dependent function. So the first case matches [x] step*/z and the second [x] step*/s (S* x) (S x). Other than that we just use step/lam to lift up S and recurse to lift up S* in the second case.

We need one final (more complicated) lemma about substitution. It states that if A steps to A', then F A steps to F A' in many steps for all F. This proceeds by induction on the derivation that A steps to A'. First off, here’s the formal statement in Twelf

This is the lemma that actually needs the world with lam-blocks

    subst : {F} step A A' -> step* (F A) (F A') -> type.
    %mode subst +A +B -C.

Now the actual proof. The first two cases are for constant functions and the identity function

    - : subst ([x] A) S step*/z.
    - : subst ([x] x) S (step*/s step*/z S).

In the case of the constant functions the results of F A and F A' are the same so we don’t need to step at all. In the case of the identity function we just step with the step from A to A'.

In the next case, we deal with nested lambdas.

     - : subst ([x] lam ([y] F y x)) S S'*
          <- ({y} subst (F y) S (S* y))
          <- step*/lam S* S'*.

Here we recurse, but we carefully do this under a pi type. The reason for doing this is because we’re recursing on the open body of the inner lambda. This has a free variable and we need a pi type in order to actually apply F to something to get at the body. Otherwise this just uses step*/lam to lift the step across the body to the step across lambdas.

Finally, application.

     - : subst ([x] ap (F x) (A x)) S S*
          <- subst F S F*
          <- subst A S A*
          <- step*/left F* S1*
          <- step*/right A* S2*
          <- join S1* S2* S*.

This looks complicated, but isn’t so bad. We first recurse, and then use various compatibility lemmas to actually plumb the results of the recursive calls to the right parts of the final term. Since there are two individual pieces of stepping, one for the argument and one for the function, we use join to slap them together.

With this, we’ve got all our lemmas

    %worlds (lam-block) (subst _ _ _).
    %total (T) (subst T _ _).

The Main Theorem

Now that we have all the pieces in place, we’re ready to state and prove confluence. Here’s our statement in Twelf

    confluent : step A B -> step A C -> step* B D -> step* C D -> type.
    %mode confluent +A +B -C -D.

Unfortunately, there’s a bit of a combinatorial explosion with this. There are approximately 3 * 3 * 3 + 1 = 10 cases for this theorem. And thanks to the lemmas we’ve proven, they’re all boring.

First we have the cases where step A B is a step/ap1.

     - : confluent (step/ap1 S1) (step/ap1 S2) S1'* S2'*
          <- confluent S1 S2 S1* S2*
          <- step*/left S1* S1'*
          <- step*/left S2* S2'*.
     - : confluent (step/ap1 S1) (step/ap2 S2)
          (step*/s step*/z (step/ap2 S2))
          (step*/s step*/z (step/ap1 S1)).
     - : confluent (step/ap1 (step/lam F) : step (ap _ A) _) step/b
          (step*/s step*/z step/b) (step*/s step*/z (F A)).

In the first case, we have two ap1s. We recurse on the smaller S1 and S2 and then immediately use one of our lemmas to lift the results of the recursive call, which step the function part of the the ap we’re looking at, to work across the whole ap term. In the second case there, we’re stepping the function in one, and the argument in the other. In order to bring these to a common term we just apply the first step to the resulting term of the second step and vice versa. This means that we’re doing something like this

                 F A
                /   \
           S1  /     \ S2
              /       \
            F' A     F  A'
              \       /
           S2  \     /  S1
                \   /
                F' A'

This clearly commutes so this case goes through. For the final case, we’re applying a lambda to some term so we can beta reduce. On one side we step the body of the lambda some how, and on the other we immediately substitute. Now we do something clever. What is a proof that lam A steps to lam B? It’s a proof that for any x, A x steps to B x. In fact, it’s just a function from x to such a step A x to B x. So we have that lying around in F. So to step from the beta-reduced term G A to G' A all we do is apply F to A! The other direction is just beta-reducing ap (lam G') A to the desired G' A.

In the next set of cases we deal with ap2!

     - : confluent (step/ap2 S1) (step/ap2 S2) S1'* S2'*
          <- confluent S1 S2 S1* S2*
          <- step*/right S1* S1'*
          <- step*/right S2* S2'*.
     - : confluent (step/ap2 S1) (step/ap1 S2)
          (step*/s step*/z (step/ap1 S2))
          (step*/s step*/z (step/ap2 S1)).
     - : confluent (step/ap2 S) (step/b : step (ap (lam F) _) _)
          (step*/s step*/z step/b) S1*
          <- subst F S S1*.

The first two cases are almost identical to what we’ve seen before. The key difference here is in the third case. This is again where we’re stepping something on one side and beta-reducing on the other. We can’t use the nice free stepping provided by F here since we’re stepping the argument, not the function. For this we appeal to subst which let’s us step F A to F A' using S1* exactly as required. The other direction is trivial just like it was in the ap1 case, we just have to step ap (lam F) A' to F A' which is done with beta reduction.

I’m not going to detail the cases to do with step/b as the first argument because they’re just mirrors of the cases we’ve looked at before. That only leaves us with one more case, the case for step/lam.

     - : confluent (step/lam F1) (step/lam F2) F1'* F2'*
          <- ({x} confluent (F1 x) (F2 x) (F1* x) (F2* x))
          <- step*/lam F1* F1'*
          <- step*/lam F2* F2'*.

This is just like all the other “diagonal” cases, like confluent (ap1 S1) (ap1 S2) .... We first recurse (this time using a pi to unbind the body of the lambda) and then use compatibility rules in order to get something we can give back from confluent. And with this, we can actually prove that lambda calculus is confluent.

    %worlds (lam-block) (confluent _ _ _ _).
    %total (T) (confluent T _ _ _).

Wrap Up

We went through a fairly significant proof here, but the end results were interesting at least. One nice thing this proof illustrates is how well HOAS lets us encode these proofs. It’s a very Twelf-y approach to use lambdas to represent bindings. All in all, it’s a fun proof.

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