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A Basic Tutorial on JonPRL

Posted on July 6, 2015
Tags: jonprl, types

JonPRL switched to ASCII syntax so I’ve updated this post accordingly

I was just over at OPLSS for the last two weeks. While there I finally met Jon Sterling in person. What was particularly fun is that for that last few months he’s been creating a proof assistant called JonPRL in the spirit of Nuprl. As it turns out, it’s quite a fun project to work on so I’ve implemented a few features in it over the last couple of days and learned more or less how it works.

Since there’s basically no documentation on it besides the readme and of course the compiler so I thought I’d write down some of the stuff I’ve learned. There’s also a completely separate post on the underlying type theory for Nuprl and JonPRL that’s very interesting in its own right but this isn’t it. Hopefully I’ll get around to scribbling something about that because it’s really quite clever.

Here’s the layout of this tutorial

Getting JonPRL

JonPRL is pretty easy to build and install and having it will make this post more enjoyable. You’ll need smlnj since JonPRL is currently written in SML. This is available in most package managers (including homebrew) otherwise just grab the binary from the website. After this the following commands should get you a working executable

You should now have an executable called jonprl in the bin folder. There’s no prelude for jonprl so that’s it. You can now just feed it files like any reasonable compiler and watch it spew (currently difficult-to-decipher) output at you.

If you’re interested in actually writing JonPRL code, you should probably install David Christiansen’s Emacs mode. Now that we’re up and running, let’s actually figure out how the language works

The Different Languages in JonPRL

JonPRL is composed of really 3 different sorts of mini-languages

In Coq, these roughly correspond to Gallina, Ltac, and Vernacular respectively.

The Term Language

The term language is an untyped language that contains a number of constructs that should be familiar to people who have been exposed to dependent types before. The actual concrete syntax is composed of 3 basic forms:

An operator in this context is really anything you can imagine having a node in an AST for a language. So something like lam is an operator, as is if or pair (corresponding to (,) in Haskell). Each operator has a piece of information associated with it, called its arity. This arity tells you how many arguments an operator takes and how many variables x.y.z. ... each is allowed to bind. For example, with lam has an arity is written (1) since it takes 1 argument which binds 1 variable. Application (ap) has the arity (0; 0). It takes 2 arguments neither of which bind a variable.

So as mentioned we have functions and application. This means we could write (lamx.x) y in JonPRL as ap(lam(x.x); y). The type of functions is written with fun. Remember that JonPRL’s language has a notion of dependence so the arity is (0; 1). The construct fun(A; x.B) corresponds to (x : A) → B in Agda or forall (x : A), B in Coq.

We also have dependent sums as well (prods). In Agda you would write (M , N) to introduce a pair and prod A lam x → B to type it. In JonPRL you have pair(M; N) and prod(A; x.B). To inspect a prod we have spread which let’s us eliminate a pair pair. Eg spread(0; 2) and you give it a prod in the first spot and x.y.e in the second. It’ll then replace x with the first component and y with the second. Can you think of how to write fst and snd with this?

There’s sums, so inl(M), inr(N) and +(A; B) corresponds to Left, Right, and Either in Haskell. For case analysis there’s decide which has the arity (0; 1; 1). You should read decide(M; x.N; y.P) as something like

    case E of
      Left x -> L
      Right y -> R

In addition we have unit and <> (pronounced axe for axiom usually). Neither of these takes any arguments so we write them just as I have above. They correspond to Haskell’s type- and value-level () respectively. Finally there’s void which is sometimes called false or empty in theorem prover land.

You’ll notice that I presented a bunch of types as if they were normal terms in this section. That’s because in this untyped computation system, types are literally just terms. There’s no typing relation to distinguish them yet so they just float around exactly as if they were lam or something! I call them types because I’m thinking of later when we have a typing relation built on top of this system but for now there are really just terms. It was still a little confusing for me to see fun(unit; _.unit) in a language without types, so I wanted to make this explicit.

Now we can introduce some more exotic terms. Later, we’re going to construct some rules around them that are going to make it behave that way we might expect but for now, they are just suggestively named constants.

In particular it’s important to distinguish the difference between the judgment and member the term. There’s nothing inherent in member above that makes it behave like a typing relation as you might expect. It’s on equal footing with flibbertyjibberty(0; 0; 0).

This term language contains the full untyped lambda calculus so we can write all sorts of fun programs like

    lam(f.ap(lam(x.ap(f;(ap(x;x)))); lam(x.ap(f;(ap(x;x)))))

which is just the Y combinator. In particular this means that there’s no reason that every term in this language should normalize to a value. There are plenty of terms in here that diverge and in principle, there’s nothing that rules out them doing even stranger things than that. We really only depend on them being deterministic, that e ⇒ v and e ⇒ v' implies that v = v'.


The other big language in JonPRL is the language of tactics. Luckily, this is very familiarly territory if you’re a Coq user. Unluckily, if you’ve never heard of Coq’s tactic mechanism this will seem completely alien. As a quick high level idea for what tactics are:

When we’re proving something in a proof assistant we have to deal with a lot of boring mechanical details. For example, when proving A → B → A I have to describe that I want to introduce the A and the B into my context, then I have to suggest using that A the context as a solution to the goal. Bleh. All of that is pretty obvious so let’s just get the computer to do it! In fact, we can build up a DSL of composable “proof procedures” or /tactics/ to modify a particular goal we’re trying to prove so that we don’t have to think so much about the low level details of the proof being generated. In the end this DSL will generate a proof term (or derivation in JonPRL) and we’ll check that so we never have to trust the actual tactics to be sound.

In Coq this is used to great effect. In particular see Adam Chlipala’s book to see incredibly complex theorems with one-line proofs thanks to tactics.

In JonPRL the tactic system works by modifying a sequent of the form H ⊢ A (a goal). Each time we run a tactic we get back a list of new goals to prove until eventually we get to trivial goals which produce no new subgoals. This means that when trying to prove a theorem in the tactic language we never actually see the resulting evidence generated by our proof. We just see this list of H ⊢ As to prove and we do so with tactics.

The tactic system is quite simple, to start we have a number of basic tactics which are useful no matter what goal you’re attempting to prove

It’s helpful to see this as a sort of tree, a tactic takes one goal to a list of a subgoals to prove so we can imagine t as this part of a tree

———–————————— (t)
H'  H''  H'''

If we have some tactic t2 then t; t2 will run t and then run t2 on H, H', and H''. Instead we could have t; [t1, t2, t3] then we’ll run t and (assuming it succeeds) we’ll run t1 on H', t2 on H'', and t3 on H'''. This is actually how things work under the hood, composable fragments of trees :)

Now those give us a sort of bedrock for building up scripts of tactics. We also have a bunch of tactics that actually let us manipulate things we’re trying to prove. The 4 big ones to be aware of are

The basic idea is that intro modifies the A part of the goal. If we’re looking at a function, so something like H ⊢ fun(A; x.B), this will move that A into the context, leaving us with H, x : A ⊢ B.

If you’re familiar with sequent calculus intro runs the appropriate right rule for the goal. If you’re not familiar with sequent calculus intro looks at the outermost operator of the A and runs a rule that applies when that operator is to the right of a the .

Now one tricky case is what should intro do if you’re looking at a prod? Well now things get a bit dicey. We’d might expect to get two subgoals if we run intro on H ⊢ prod(A; x.B), one which proves H ⊢ A and one which proves H ⊢ B or something, but what about the fact that x.B depends on whatever the underlying realizer (that’s the program extracted from) the proof of H ⊢ A! Further, Nuprl and JonPRL are based around extract-style proof systems. These mean that a goal shouldn’t depend on the particular piece of evidence proving of another goal. So instead we have to tell intro up front what we want the evidence for H ⊢ A to be is so that the H ⊢ B section may use it.

To do this we just give intro an argument. For example say we’re proving that · ⊢ prod(unit; x.unit), we run intro [<>] which gives us two subgoals · ⊢ member(<>; unit) and · ⊢ unit. Here the [] let us denote the realizer we’re passing to intro. In general any term arguments to a tactic will be wrapped in []s. So the first goal says “OK, you said that this was your realizer for unit, but is it actually a realizer for unit?” and the second goal substitutes the given realizer into the second argument of prod, x.unit, and asks us to prove that. Notice how here we have to prove member(<>; unit)? This is where that weird member type comes in handy. It let’s us sort of play type checker and guide JonPRL through the process of type checking. This is actually very crucial since type checking in Nuprl and JonPRL is undecidable.

Now how do we actually go about proving member(<>; unit)? Well here mem-cd has got our back. This tactic transforms member(A; B) into the equivalent form =(A; A; B). In JonPRL and Nuprl, types are given meaning by how we interpret the equality of their members. In other words, if you give me a type you have to say

  1. What canonical terms are in that terms
  2. What it means for two canonical members to be equal

Long ago, Stuart Allen realized we could combine the two by specifying a partial equivalence relation for a type. In this case rather than having a separate notion of membership we check to see if something is equal to itself under the PER because when it is that PER behaves like a normal equivalence relation! So in JonPRL member is actually just a very thin layer of sugar around = which is really the core defining notion of typehood. To handle = we have eq-cd which does clever things to handle most of the obvious cases of equality.

Finally, we have elim. Just like intro let us simplify things on the right of the ⊢, elim let’s us eliminate something on the left. So we tell elim to “eliminate” the nth item in the context (they’re numbered when JonPRL prints them) with elim #n.

Just like with anything, it’s hard to learn all the tactics without experimenting (though a complete list can be found with jonprl --list-tactics). Let’s go look at the command language so we can actually prove some theorems.


So in JonPRL there are only 4 commands you can write at the top level

The first three of these let us customize and extend the basic suite of operators and tactics JonPRL comes with. The last actually lets us state and prove theorems.

The best way to see these things is by example so we’re going to build up a small development in JonPRL. We’re going to show that products are monoid with unit up to some logical equivalence. There are a lot of proofs involved here

  1. prod(unit; A) entails A
  2. prod(A; unit) entails A
  3. A entails prod(unit; A)
  4. A entails prod(A; unit)
  5. prod(A; prod(B; C)) entails prod(prod(A; B); C)
  6. prod(prod(A; B); C) entails prod(A; prod(B; C))

I intend to prove 1, 2, and 5. The remaining proofs are either very similar or fun puzzles to work on. We could also prove that all the appropriate entailments are inverses and then we could say that everything is up to isomorphism.

First we want a new snazzy operator to signify nondependent products since writing prod(A; x.B) is kind of annoying. We do this using operator

    Operator prod : (0; 0).

This line declares prod as a new operator which takes two arguments binding zero variables each. Now we really want JonPRL to know that prod is sugar for prod. To do this we use =def= which gives us a way to desugar a new operator into a mess of existing ones.

    [prod(A; B)] =def= [prod(A; _.B)].

Now we can change any occurrence of prod(A; B) for prod(A; _.B) as we’d like. Okay, so we want to prove that we have a monoid here. What’s the first step? Let’s verify that unit is a left identity for prod. This entails proving that for all types A, prod(unit; A) ⊃ A and A ⊃ prod(unit; A). Let’s prove these as separate theorems. Translating our first statement into JonPRL we want to prove

    fun(U{i}; A.
    fun(prod(unit; A); _.

In Agda notation this would be written

    (A : Set)  (_ : prod(unit; A))  A

Let’s prove our first theorem, we start by writing

    Theorem left-id1 :
      [fun(U{i}; A.
       fun(prod(unit; A); _.
       A))] {

This is the basic form of a theorem in JonPRL, a name, a term to prove, and a tactic script. Here we have id as a tactic script, which clearly doesn’t prove our goal. When we run JonPRL on this file (C-c C-l if you’re in Emacs) you get back

[XXX.jonprl:8.3-9.1]: tactic 'COMPLETE' failed with goal:
⊢ funA ∈ U{i}. (prod(unit; A)) => A

Remaining subgoals:
⊢ funA ∈ U{i}. (prod(unit; A)) => A

So focus on that Remaining subgoals bit, that’s what we have left to prove, it’s our current goal. Now you may notice that this outputted goal is a lot prettier than our syntax! That’s because currently in JonPRL the input and outputted terms may not match, the latter is subject to pretty printing. In general this is great because you can read your remaining goals, but it does mean copying and pasting is a bother. There’s nothing to the left of that ⊢ yet so let’s run the only applicable tactic we know. Delete that id and replace it with


The goal now becomes

Remaining subgoals:

1. A : U{i}
⊢ (prod(unit; A)) => A

⊢ U{i} ∈ U{i'}

Two ⊢s means two subgoals now. One looks pretty obvious, U{i'} is just the universe above U{i} (so that’s like Set₁ in Agda) so it should be the case that U{i} ∈ U{i'} by definition! So the next tactic should be something like [???, mem-cd; eq-cd]. Now what should that ??? be? Well we can’t use elim because there’s one thing in the context now (A : U{i}), but it doesn’t help us really. Instead let’s run unfold <prod>. This is a new tactic that’s going to replace that prod with the definition that we wrote earlier.

      intro; [unfold <prod>, mem-cd; eq-cd]

Notice here that , behinds less tightly than ; which is useful for saying stuff like this. This gives us

Remaining subgoals:

1. A : U{i}
⊢ (unit × A) => A

We run intro again

      intro; [unfold <prod>, mem-cd; eq-cd]; intro

Now we are in a similar position to before with two subgoals.

    Remaining subgoals:

    1. A : U{i}
    2. _ : unit × A
    ⊢ A

    1. A : U{i}
    ⊢ unit × A ∈ U{i}

The first subgoal is really what we want to be proving so let’s put a pin in that momentarily. Let’s get rid of that second subgoal with a new helpful tactic called auto. It runs eq-cd, mem-cd and intro repeatedly and is built to take care of boring goals just like this!

      intro; [unfold <prod>, mem-cd; eq-cd]; intro; [id, auto]

Notice that we used what is a pretty common pattern in JonPRL, to work on one subgoal at a time we use []’s and ids everywhere except where we want to do work, in this case the second subgoal.

Now we have

Remaining subgoals:

1. A : U{i}
2. _ : unit × A
⊢ A

Cool! Having a pair of unit × A really ought to mean that we have an A so we can use elim to get access to it.

      intro; [unfold <prod>, mem-cd; eq-cd]; intro; [id, auto];
      elim #2

This gives us

Remaining subgoals:

1. A : U{i}
2. _ : unit × A
3. s : unit
4. t : A
⊢ A

We’ve really got the answer now, #4 is precisely our goal. For this situations there’s assumption which is just a tactic which succeeds if what we’re trying to prove is in our context already. This will complete our proof

    Theorem left-id1 :
      [fun(U{i}; A.
       fun(prod(unit; A); _.
       A))] {
      intro; [unfold <prod>, mem-cd; eq-cd]; intro; [id, auto];
      elim #2; assumption

Now we know that auto will run all of the tactics on the first line except unfold <prod>, so what we just unfold <prod> first and run auto? It ought to do all the same stuff.. Indeed we can shorten our whole proof to unfold <prod>; auto; elim #2; assumption. With this more heavily automated proof, proving our next theorem follows easily.

    Theorem right-id1 :
      [fun(U{i}; A.
       fun(prod(A; unit); _.
       A))] {
      unfold <prod>; auto; elim #2; assumption

Next, we have to prove associativity to complete the development that prod is a monoid. The statement here is a bit more complex.

    Theorem assoc :
      [fun(U{i}; A.
       fun(U{i}; B.
       fun(U{i}; C.
       fun(prod(A; prod(B;C)); _.
       prod(prod(A;B); C)))))] {

In Agda notation what I’ve written above is

    assoc : (A B C : Set)  A × (B × C)  (A × B) × C
    assoc = ?

Let’s kick things off with unfold <prod>; auto to deal with all the boring stuff we had last time. In fact, since x appears in several nested places we’d have to run unfold quite a few times. Let’s just shorten all of those invocations into *{unfold <prod>}

      *{unfold <prod>}; auto

This leaves us with the state

Remaining subgoals:

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
⊢ A

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
⊢ B

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
⊢ C

In each of those goals we need to take apart the 4th hypothesis so let’s do that

      *{unfold <prod>}; auto; elim #4

This leaves us with 3 subgoals still

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
5. s : A
6. t : B × C
⊢ A

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
5. s : A
6. t : B × C
⊢ B

1. A : U{i}
2. B : U{i}
3. C : U{i}
4. _ : A × B × C
5. s : A
6. t : B × C
⊢ C

The first subgoal is pretty easy, assumption should handle that. In the other two we want to eliminate 6 and then we should be able to apply assumption. In order to deal with this we use | to encode that disjunction. In particular we want to run assumption OR elim #6; assumption leaving us with

      *{unfold <prod>}; auto; elim #4; (assumption | elim #6; assumption)

This completes the proof!

    Theorem assoc :
      [fun(U{i}; A.
       fun(U{i}; B.
       fun(U{i}; C.
       fun(prod(A; prod(B;C)); _.
       prod(prod(A;B); C)))))] {
      *{unfold <prod>}; auto; elim #4; (assumption | elim #6; assumption)

As a fun puzzle, what needs to change in this proof to prove we can associate the other way?

What on earth did we just do!?

So we just proved a theorem.. but what really just happened? I mean how did we go from “Here we have an untyped computation system which types just behaving as normal terms” to “Now apply auto and we’re done!”. In this section I’d like to briefly sketch the path from untyped computation to theorems.

The path looks like this

Hypothetical judgments are introduced in the same way they would be in Martin-Lof’s presentations of type theory. The idea being that H ⊢ J if J is evident under the assumption that each term in H has the appropriate type and furthermore that J is functional (respects equality) with respect to what H contains. This isn’t really a higher order judgment, but it will be defined in terms of a higher order hypothetical judgment in the metatheory.

With this we have something that walks and quacks like normal type theory. Using the normal tools of our metatheory we can formulate proofs of a : A and do normal type theory things. This whole development is building up what is called “Computational Type Theory”. The way this diverges from Martin-Lof’s extensional type theory is subtle but it does directly descend from Martin-Lof’s famous 1979 paper “Constructive Mathematics and Computer Programming” (which you should read. Instead of my blog post).

Now there’s one final layer we have to consider, the PRL bit of JonPRL. We define a new judgment, H ⊢ A [ext a]. This is judgment is cleverly set up so two properties hold

This means that a is completely determined by H and A which justifies my use of the term output. I mean this in the sense of Twelf and logic programming if that’s a more familiar phrasing. It’s this judgment that we see in JonPRL! Since that a is output we simply hide it, leaving us with H ⊢ A as we saw before. When we prove something with tactics in JonPRL we’re generating a derivation, a tree of inference rules which make H ⊢ A evident for our particular H and A! These rules aren’t really programs though, they don’t correspond one to one with proof terms we may run like they would in Coq. The computational interpretation of our program is bundled up in that a.

To see what I mean here we need a little bit more machinery. Specifically, let’s look at the rules for the equality around the proposition =(a; b; A). Remember that we have a term <> lying around,

     a = b ∈ A
<> = <> ∈ =(a; b; A)

So the only member of =(a; b; A) is <> if a = b ∈ A actually holds. First off, notice that <> : A and <> : B doesn’t imply that A = B! In another example, lam(x. x) ∈ fun(A; _.A) for all A! This is a natural consequence of separating our typing judgment from our programming language. Secondly, there’s not really any computation in the e of H ⊢ =(a; b; A) (e). After all, in the end the only thing e could be so that e : =(a; b; A) is <>! However, there is potentially quite a large derivation involved in showing =(a; b; A)! For example, we might have something like this

x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(a; b; B)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Substitution
x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(a; b; A)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Symmetry
x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(b; a; A)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Assumption

Now we write derivations of this sequent up side down, so the thing we want to show starts on top and we write each rule application and subgoal below it (AI people apparently like this?). Now this was quite a derivation, but if we fill in the missing [ext e] for this derivation from the bottom up we get this

x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(a; b; B)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Substitution [ext <>]
x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(a; b; A)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Symmetry     [ext <>]
x : =(A; B; U{i}); y : =(b; a; A) ⊢ =(b; a; A)
———————————————————————————————————————————————— Assumption   [ext x]

Notice how at the bottom there was some computational content (That x signifies that we’re accessing a variable in our context) but than we throw it away right on the next line! That’s because we find that no matter what the extract was that let’s us derive =(b; a; A), the only realizer it could possible generate is <>. Remember our conditions, if we can make evident the fact that b = a ∈ A then <> ∈ =(b; a; A). Because we somehow managed to prove that b = a ∈ A holds, we’re entitled to just use <> to realize our proof. This means that despite our somewhat tedious derivation and the bookkeeping that we had to do to generate that program, that program reflects none of it.

This is why type checking in JonPRL is woefully undecidable: in part, the realizers that we want to type check contain none of the helpful hints that proof terms in Coq would. This also means that extraction from JonPRL proofs is built right into the system and we can actually generate cool and useful things! In Nuprl-land, folks at Cornell actually write proofs and use this realizers to run real software. From what Bob Constable said at OPLSS they can actually get these programs to run fast (within 5x of naive C code).

So to recap, in JonPRL we

In fact, we can see all of this happen if you call JonPRL from the command line or hit C-c C-c in emacs! On our earlier proof we see

Operator prod : (0; 0).
⸤prod(A; B)⸥ ≝ ⸤A × B⸥.

Theorem left-id1 : ⸤⊢ funA ∈ U{i}. (prod(unit; A)) => A⸥ {
  fun-intro(; _.t.t); prod⁼(unit⁼; _.hyp⁼(A))); U⁼{i})
} ext {
  lam_. lam_. spread(_; _.t.t)

Theorem right-id1 : ⸤⊢ funA ∈ U{i}. (prod(A; unit)) => A⸥ {
  fun-intro(; s._.s); prod⁼(hyp⁼(A); _.unit⁼)); U⁼{i})
} ext {
  lam_. lam_. spread(_; s._.s)

Theorem assoc : ⸤⊢ funA ∈ U{i}. funB ∈ U{i}. funC ∈ U{i}. (prod(A; prod(B; C))) => prod(prod(A; B); C)⸥ {
  fun-intro(;; _._.s)); prod-elim(_;;
  s'._.s'))); prod-elim(_;; _.t'.t')));
  prod⁼(hyp⁼(A);⁼(hyp⁼(B); _.hyp⁼(C)))); U⁼{i}); U⁼{i});
} ext {
  lam_. lam_. lam_. lam_. ⟨⟨spread(_; s.t.spread(t; _._.s)), spread(_; _.t.spread(t; s'._.s'))⟩, spread(_; _.t.spread(t; _.t'.t'))⟩

Now we can see that those Operator and bits are really what we typed with =def= and Operator in JonPRL, what’s interesting here are the theorems. There’s two bits, the derivation and the extract or realizer.

  derivation of the sequent · ⊢ A
} ext {
  the program in the untyped system extracted from our derivation

We can move that derivation into a different proof assistant and check it. This gives us all the information we need to check that JonPRL’s reasoning and helps us not trust all of JonPRL (I wrote some of it so I’d be a little scared to trust it :). We can also see the computational bit of our proof in the extract. For example, the computation involved in taking A × unit → A is just lam_. lam_. spread(_; s._.s)! This is probably closer to what you’ve seen in Coq or Idris, even though I’d say the derivation is probably more similar in spirit (just ugly and beta normal). That’s because the extract need not have any notion of typing or proof, it’s just the computation needed to produce a witness of the appropriate type. This means for a really tricky proof of equality, your extract might just be <>! Your derivation however will always exactly reflect the complexity of your proof.

Killer features

OK, so I’ve just dumped about 50 years worth of hard research in type theory into your lap which is best left to ruminate for a bit. However, before I finish up this post I wanted to do a little bit of marketing so that you can see why one might be interested in JonPRL (or Nuprl). Since we’ve embraced this idea of programs first and types as PERs, we can define some really strange types completely seamlessly. For example, in JonPRL there’s a type ⋂(A; x.B), it behaves a lot like fun but with one big difference, the definition of - = - ∈ ⋂(A; x.B) looks like this

a : A ⊢ e = e' ∈ [a/x]B
   e = e' ∈ ⋂(A; x.B)

Notice here that e and e' may not use a anywhere in their bodies. That is, they have to be in [a/x]B without knowing anything about a and without even having access to it.

This is a pretty alien concept that turned out to be new in logic as well (it’s called “uniform quantification” I believe). It turns out to be very useful in PRL’s because it lets us declare things in our theorems without having them propogate into our witness. For example, we could have said

    Theorem right-id1 :
          [⋂(U{i}; A.
           fun(prod(A; unit); _.
           A))] {
          unfold <prod>; auto; elim #2; assumption

With the observation that our realizer doesn’t need to depend on A at all (remember, no types!). Then the extract of this theorem is

lamx. spread(x; s._.s)

There’s no spurious lam _. ... at the beginning! Even more wackily, we can define subsets of an existing type since realizers need not have unique types

e = e' ∈ A  [e/x]P  [e'/x]P
  e = e' ∈ subset(A; x.P)

And in JonPRL we can now say things like “all odd numbers” by just saying subset(nat; n. ap(odd; n)). In intensional type theories, these types are hard to deal with and still the subject of open research. In CTT they just kinda fall out because of how we thought about types in the first place. Quotients are a similarly natural conception (just define a new type with a stricter PER) but JonPRL currently lacks them (though they shouldn’t be hard to add..).

Finally, if you’re looking for one last reason to dig into **PRL, the fact that we’ve defined all our equalities extensionally means that several very useful facts just fall right out of our theory

    Theorem fun-ext :
      [⋂(U{i}; A.
       ⋂(fun(A; _.U{i}); B.
       ⋂(fun(A; a.ap(B;a)); f.
       ⋂(fun(A; a.ap(B;a)); g.

       ⋂(fun(A; a.=(ap(f; a); ap(g; a); ap(B; a))); _.
       =(f; g; fun(A; a.ap(B;a))))))))] {
      auto; ext; ?{elim #5 [a]}; auto

This means that two functions are equal in JonPRL if and only if they map equal arguments to equal output. This is quite pleasant for formalizing mathematics for example.

Wrap Up

Whew, we went through a lot! I didn’t intend for this to be a full tour of JonPRL, just a taste of how things sort of hang together and maybe enough to get you looking through the examples. Speaking of which, JonPRL comes with quite a few examples which are going to make a lot more sense now.

Additionally, you may be interested in the documentation in the README which covers most of the primitive operators in JonPRL. As for an exhaustive list of tactics, well….

Hopefully I’ll be writing about JonPRL again soon. Until then, I hope you’ve learned something cool :)

A huge thanks to David Christiansen and Jon Sterling for tons of helpful feedback on this

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